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註冊 2017-5-25
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NFL Jerseys Supply
–? Acct. General tells Public Service COIAccountant General and Chairman of the Dependents Pensions Fund, Jawahar Persaud, has stressed the need for due consideration to the recruitment of officials acting in pertinent? areas of the Public Service Sector.The Accountant General, in a presentation before the Commission of Inquiry in the Public Service,Keisuke Honda Jersey, said that careful consideration must be taken before personnel from other parts of the public service are selected and posted to sensitive positions in the sector.Persaud,Renato Augusto Jersey, a Colonel of the Guyana Defence Force, has been acting as Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance,Rodrigo Caio Jersey, for in excess of five years. He told commissioners that he is still being paid the same salary as an officer of the GDF.The official noted that the difficulty associated with those in acting positions is that they conduct the same level of work as those in substantive positions but are only being enumerated for part of their efforts and responsibility.As such, Persaud called for more support and consideration to be given to officers even in acting positions.“In the long term, officers from the Guyana Defence Force,Boston Red Sox Throwback Jersey, the Police Force or anyone these security forces posted to sit in a sensitive position? like the one I am in…I think due consideration should be given.”Persaud said that he brought the issue to attention of the commission as a means of making intervention on behalf of other officers that they would not suffer the same disadvantage or be short changed.The witness said that rather something should be concretized to bring about reform on the way forward.Persaud noted too that the Public Service Commission,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, (PSC) does not publicly advertise for vacancies—the advertisements are circulated within the sector.He explained that this practice sets the various departments at a disadvantage since staff tend to leave their current posts vacant to fill a more rewarding one.In terms of increased wages and salaries, the economy must have the potential to give the raise and sustain it.“If the government purse is unable to sustain the increase it should be a one-off like a bonus.”? Persaud added.In addition,Bryan Rust Penguins Jersey, the witness also gave a written submission on the fund which was established to provide benefits to relatives of deceased pensioners.The COI was established as part of a plan to support President Granger’s vision for a modern public service and the establishment of a Public Service Staff College.The Commission is slated to operate during the next three to five months with the possibility of a renewal should the Commissioners need more time to complete the task.The hearings are open to the general public for oral presentations, which will be conducted at the Secretariat Building of the Public Service Ministry on Waterloo Street, Georgetown.Hearings will also be conducted at other locations in the country.