標題: Jordan Henderson Liverpool Jersey Neal Bacchus
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-16 04:39  資料 私人訊息 
Jordan Henderson Liverpool Jersey Neal Bacchus
Members of the Inter-Religious Organization (IRO) met last Tuesday with the Guyana Elections CommissionRev Ronald Mc Garrell(GECOM), to discuss ways in which the Commission can assist in the peace efforts during the lead up to the May 11 elections.“Signing a Peace Pact is one critical action the IRO indicated it would like all political parties contesting the General and Regional Elections on May, 11, 2015 to be a part of,” GECOM said in a statement of the meeting yesterday.Several other peace building initiatives,Bill Russell Celtics Throwback Jersey, as well as their involvement in Civic and Voter Education,wholesale nfl jerseys, were also raised by the IRO.“GECOM’s Chairman Dr. Steve Surujbally,Duke Riley Jersey, welcomed the initiatives outlined by the IRO and promised that GECOM will provide any help needed by the IRO, within a knowledge sharing framework of election processes and Civic and Voter Education issues.”Surujbally also outlined the process for organizations applying for and being granted Domestic Observer Status during the May 11 elections.“In so doing, he carefully underscored some of the key areas to which potential domestic observers must adhere as they get about their respective activities during Election Day.GECOM recognizes that violence has no place in democratic elections. Therefore, the Commission would like to echo the call of the IRO in encouraging political parties and supporters alike to behaveGECOM’s Chairman,Dr. Steve Surujballyresponsibly, to engage each other with mutual respect, and to refrain from all words and/or actions which may have a tendency to incite, support or provoke any kind of violence – before, during, or after the votes have been counted. Citizens have a responsibility and a right to keep the peace,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/Chelsea-FC/, no matter who wins.”Representing the IRO was its Chairman, Rev. Ronald Mc Garrell; Jennifer Dwar (Secretary); Neal Bacchus (Assistant Secretary); Krishnalall Persaud (Vice Chairman); Rajmatti Nauth (Treasurer) and Pastor Wendell Jeffrey (PRO).GECOM was led by its Chairman, Dr. Surujbally. Other key GECOM personnel in attendance were Chief Election Officer,Jonas Brodin Jersey, Keith Lowenfield; Deputy Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persaud; Legal Officer, Juanita Barker; Public Relations Officer,Corey Seager Jersey, Richard Francois; Commissioner Sandra Jones; Commissioner Mahmood Shaw; Commissioner Athmaram Mangar; and Commissioner Charles Corbin.