標題: Luke Moore Jersey 10
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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金錢 68535
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-14 17:58  資料 私人訊息 
Luke Moore Jersey 10
If the current trend continues Guyana’s road fatality figure could climb to alarming heights this year.Up to the end of June the figure is an alarming 16 more than for the corresponding period last year.Figures released by the Guyana Police Force show that up to the end of June there were 56 road deaths from 53 accidents, compared with 40 deaths from 38 accidents for the same period in 2012.One of the many accidents that occurred on the country’s roads this year.The month of June alone accounted for 10 road fatalities, and this was only topped by February when 12 deaths were recorded.So far six children have perished on the roads, compared with only two last year.As usual,Rafinha Jersey, excessive speeding continues to be the main cause of deaths on the roads, accounting for 41 of them so far this year.The roads of Georgetown and the East Bank of Demerara recorded a total of 18 road fatalities, while the East Coast of Demerara recorded 15 and Berbice 11.So far this year,Ethan Pocic Jersey, 17 pedestrians were killed in road accidents,Nathan Peterman Womens Jersey, while motorcyclists and pedal cyclists with 10 each accounted for the next highest categories of road fatalities.This is in addition to seven drivers of motor vehicles,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, two pillion riders and 10 passengers of motor vehicles who lost their lives on the country’s roads.All of this has occurred despite the traffic enforcement by the police during the period January to June 2013 resulting in a total of 43,Tre Davious White Womens Jersey,688 cases being made against errant motorists.Of this total, 10,Ezequiel Garay Jersey,863 cases were for speeding, while strangely only 244 cases were so far made for Driving under the influence of alcohol.