標題: Pele Jersey Treesha Hantal
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-14 04:17  資料 私人訊息 
Pele Jersey Treesha Hantal
Police on the East Coast of Demerara are trying to determine how a destitute man met his end following the discovery of his body in a locked and abandoned vehicle on the La Bonne Intention Public Road.Lakeram Hantal’s badly decomposed body was discovered in the vehicle at around 10:00 hours after residents in the area were confronted by a foul smell.It is believed that Hantal died sometime around Monday as he was last seen by relatives on Sunday.His daughter, Treesha Hantal, told Kaieteur News that Hantal was an alcoholic who had been living in the abandoned vehicle for the past two years,Jay Chapman Toronto Jersey, having been put out of the house he shared with his sister because of his abusive behaviour.She said that she was informed that her father went missing since Thursday,Daley Blind Jersey, but was only informed yesterday morning that he was lying dead in the van.“My husband boss’s lady called and said that someone told her that my father was lying dead in the van. I came and I saw him in there,Stefan de Vrij Jersey,” the dead man’s daughter said.The van was locked from inside,Marlon Mack Youth Jersey, and police had to force it open to get to the body.Investigators believe that Hantal had gone into the van to sleep,Joel Veltman Netherland Jersey, had locked himself in and never woke up.According to his daughter, Hantal had stopped visiting her home a while back,Diego Costa Jersey, and would normally go to his sister’s residence where he would obtain his meals.He was last seen there on Monday night.“He’s an alcoholic and he behaves very bad. One time he go to burn down the house, so that is the reason he’s on the streets,” Treesha Hantal said.Scores of passing commuters stared in awe at the bloated body in the van.So decomposed was the body that the police were unable to ascertain if there was any marks of violence.They will have to rely on a post mortem examination to make that determination even as they continued their investigations.