標題: Tedric Thompson Youth Jersey such as drugs
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-8-14 01:14  資料 私人訊息 
Tedric Thompson Youth Jersey such as drugs
A Prison Officer who admitted to smuggling packets of cigarettes into the Georgetown Prisons for inmates; has himself been imprisoned for six months after he was caught ‘red-handed’ with the contraband earlier this week.Ceon Paul of Lot 1 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, who has been a Prison Officer for over a year, was slapped with two charges when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday. The court heard that on Monday (January 12), the Prison Officer conveyed eight packs of cigarettes and a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card, both prohibited articles, into the Camp Street facility. It is also alleged that he had 30 grams of cannabis in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.While Paul denied the drug trafficking charge, he claimed that he took two packs of cigarettes into prison,Lukasz Piszczek Dortmund Shirts, not eight. He was unrepresented by legal counsel and asked that the Magistrate consider reasonable bail on the drug trafficking allegation. He said that he has three daughters and a sister to take care of.Presenting the facts to the court,Edwin Encarnacion Indians Jersey, Police Prosecutor, Corporal Bharat Mangru explained that on Monday,Cheap NBA Jerseys, last,Rafinha Brazil Jersey, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Cameron searched Paul and found one pack of Bristol cigarettes in his right-side pants pocket and another in his right-side shirt pocket while six packs were stashed in his crotch.Mangru said that the ASP also observed a transparent bag under Paul’s left arm which when checked, contained a quantity of leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be marijuana. The Prison Officer was arrested and subsequently charged.A remorseful Paul told the court that he had been working at the facility for more than a year. Sobbing, he claimed that he would from time to time observe the Officer-in-Charge taking cigarettes into the Prison and distributing to prisoners while they were in the yard.Paul explained that he too started taking in the prohibited articles and questioned why he was being charged.The Chief Magistrate, however,Juan Carlos Valenzuela Jersey, told him that despite his claims that others have done it, it is not right. Listing prohibited articles, such as drugs, tools and tobaccos,Memphis Depay Jersey, which are specified by law, she admonished him saying “You ought not to be taking them into Prison.”Paul was told that aside from the sentence, being guilty of this crime makes him (a Prison Officer) liable to forfeit his office, monies and pension owed.In sentencing, the Chief Magistrate considered that Paul pleaded guilty and saved the court’s time, the prevalence and seriousness of the offence, as well as the aggravating factors in his favour. She noted too that he was a part of an organisation which plays an integral role in reforming offenders and as such he was charged with upkeeping the law.He was sentenced to six months imprison for taking the cigarettes into prison and remanded to prison on the drug trafficking charge.The latter case was transferred to Magistrate Ann McLennan for January 29.