標題: Larry Ogunjobi Womens Jersey six
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-13 19:19  資料 私人訊息 
Larry Ogunjobi Womens Jersey six
Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Priya Manickchand, met with two families from Haiti who are now domiciled in Guyana. She has assured them that Government will continue to assist the earthquake ravaged island.Haiti was devastated by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on January 12, last,Brian McCann Astros Jersey, that left thousands dead and many more homeless and displaced. The families, who both have ties to Guyana through the patriarch of the homes, were brought here through the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Minister Manickchand said that Government is committed to assisting these families and possibly having them resettled here at their request.Through the National Committee for Haiti Relief, Guyana has already dispatched 21 containers of food, clothing and other essential supplies.Minister Manickchand, who chairs the committee, disclosed that $110M has been garnered through donations from kindhearted Guyanese.She said that some of the proceeds will be used to provide seeds to Haitian farmers as requested by Haitian President Rene Preval.“We are really happy we can bring you home and we are committed to helping not only you, but all Haitians,” Minister Manickchand said.Two Haitian-born children, Trevor and Tommy Ali, were received by their grandmother while their parents Raymond and Darlene Ali; a Haitian, remain in Haiti.The grandmother,Fernandinho Jersey, Bibi Ameena Ali, explained that their home was not destroyed but because of the devastation to vital infrastructure,C. J. Beathard Youth Jersey, the children were sent here to resume their schooling.She noted that Trevor,Philippe Coutinho Liverpool Jersey, 13 has been enrolled at Central High School while Tommy, six, is attending Smith’s Memorial Primary School.The woman disclosed that the children, who have an older brother in Guyana, are supported by their father; a Marine Captain of a cargo vessel who has indicated an interest in resettling his family here.Speaking to the media briefly, Trevor Ali, said that he has begun to make new friends at school but is nostalgic about his homeland. ?? The other family, Leonard Fraser, his wife Jocelyne and seven-year-old daughter, Alicia also narrated their experience to the media.Fraser, who is also a Marine Captain,David Silva Jersey, said that he had come home to update his passport in December but while here, tragedy struck.The man noted that he spent weeks trying to locate his wife and daughter but it was only after contacting the Foreign Affairs Ministry that he was able to get in touch with them.Now that the family is reunited, Fraser,Robert Woods College Jersey, who has spent the last 13 years in Haiti , said he is willing to settle here provided that both he and his wife find suitable employment.Responding to queries about other Haitians attempting to reunite with Guyanese relatives, Minister Manickchand said there was an issue with travel documents.“ Haiti is still a sovereign nation and has asked for travel documents. We had suggested that the documents be processed through Jamaica but the Haitian Government has opted to do it so we have to respect that,” the Human Services Minister explained.