標題: Howard Wilson Browns Jersey I didn’t know was wh
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-13 10:22  資料 私人訊息 
Howard Wilson Browns Jersey I didn’t know was wh
A father of two is calling on Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell and other relevant authorities to investigate an undercover policeman who shot him in the upper thigh while discharging several rounds after confronting him in a yard on Hadfield Street Lodge Tuesday morning. He claims that the police later entered his home and robbed him of hundreds of thousands of dollars.The man was identified as 38-year-old Delon Hutson of 36,Ander Herrera Manchester Jersey, Hadfield Street, Lodge.Delon Hutson displaying his injured leg.“I was in a passage way not far from my house urinating when I see a man on the road, I didn’t know was who,Carlos Valderrama Colombia Jersey, and I see he draw a gun, so I decide to run and I hear someone else holler ‘shoot he, shoot he,’ and I hear several shots behind me and I was hit in my thigh with one. I run through some yards on D’Urban Street and end up on Princes Street,Garett Bolles Broncos Jersey,” he explained.Adding that he has not returned home since police upturned his entire house, Hutson who is a miner and a plumber by trade said he was rescued by friends and public spirited citizens who assisted him with medical treatment since he had not wanted to visit the Georgetown Public Hospital out of fear of police presence.Explaining the reason for his concern,Duke Riley Jersey, Hutson said relatives visited his home where he lives alone and found that the house was upturned and all signs of jewelry and money disappeared.“I had US$174, ?120, $74,000 and $205,000 in $5,Joe Maddon Cubs Jersey,000 bills and three pennyweight of raw goal…All of this disappeared when my family check and now I don’t want to go to the police because I was robbed by them,DeShone Kizer Youth Jersey,” Hutson underscored.Residents in the area confirmed Hutson’s allegations saying the police who was not in uniform discharged several rounds indiscriminately. It was also noted that a report was made at the East La Penitence Police Station.