標題: Oribe Peralta Mexico Jersey close to 3
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-13 06:49  資料 私人訊息 
Oribe Peralta Mexico Jersey close to 3
Youths already on the destructive path of life have been given a chance to turn their lives around with the launch of the “HIV Caravan of Hope” programme by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.The programme is aimed at assisting young people make the right choices and to choose the correct and positive path of life.During his remarks at the launching ceremony which was held at the City Mall yesterday, Minister of Health,Malik Hooker Colts Jersey, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, told the youths who were in attendance that they have the ability to change their destiny.“It does not have to be one of a destructive path. It does not have to be one where our dreams are shattered even before we start out life,” Dr Ramsammy said.He noted that a new environment has been created,Adrian Ramos Colombia Jersey, not only where young people can ‘hope’, but where they can dream and it becomes a reality.“The choices we make in our lives determine whether we can achieve our dreams or not,” Dr Ramsammy noted.?He explained that dreams may be the consequence of the choices young people make, which can prove to be disastrous in the future.?The programme is not only aimed at preventing or reducing HIV, as it also encourages youths not to smoke,DeShone Kizer Browns Jersey, indulge in consuming alcohol or put themselves at risk of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases.Dr. Ramsammy stressed the point that both the younger and older generations need to be educated on how to make the right decisions, which can make a positive change in their lives.In this regard, he noted that the Ministry of Health has embarked on an aggressive programme to empower the nation with the knowledge that will make their lives better, which would eventually lead to make Guyana a productive country.The “HIV Caravan of Hope” is being used as a vehicle to achieve the goal of gaining positive lifestyles in the country.The message of the programme is expected to reach out to young people in various communities.Meanwhile, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony said that the new initiative is one which indicates that youths have other alternatives and that they do not need to choose the wrong way of living.“With this programme we hope to transform young people; how they think about themselves and what they can do to change society,” Dr. Anthony said.?Now that the programme has been launched,Taylor Moton Jersey, the ministries are hoping that they can turn back the epidemic of HIV and change the way in which people drink irresponsibly in Guyana.During the launching yesterday, members of the President Youth Awards Programme (PYARG) did a number of dramatic presentations, sending positive messages relating to HIV and teenage pregnancy, among others.The PYARG has been in existence for ten years now, during which approximately 10,Taylor Moton Panthers Jersey,000 young people have registered in the programme.For this year so far, close to 3,000 persons have also been listed in the programme.At yesterday’s event,Robin Ventura White Sox Jersey, a “HIV Caravan of Hope” vehicle was given to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, which will be utilised to send positive messages to young people across the country.