標題: Jose Sosa Jersey including the two girls
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-13 05:43  資料 私人訊息 
Jose Sosa Jersey including the two girls
– stick to their story of sexual games at the company’s bondTwo teenaged Amerindian boys from Lethem are sticking to their story that sexual games were played at the bond where they were housed during their employ with the China Trading Company.The boys of Quarrie on the South Side of Lethem, a13-year-old and his 17-year-old brother, said they had left the company’s employ around July of last year.The teenagers stated that the living conditions and the hours of work were atrocious, adding that they did not even get time to wash their clothing since they worked from Sunday to Sunday. They said that they were only given “bare rice” to eat. The teenagers also claimed that sexual activities occurred at the bond where they were housed.The two teenagers have stated that in addition to the Amerindian employees,Cheap Jerseys, there were four Chinese workers, and two teenaged Amerindian girls between 15 to 17-years-old also housed with them. The girls shared a room together,Taylor Mays USC Jersey, alone.The boys reported that on Sundays,Larry Ogunjobi Youth Jersey, the Chinese “boss man” would ply them, including the two girls, with alcohol, forcing them to partake.After everyone was drunk,Johan Mojica Jersey, the sex would begin. The Chinese men, a total of approximately seven, would attempt to make the Amerindian workers have sex with the girls, some would and others would refuse.The Chinese did not refuse. According to the teenagers, they would each take turns, the “boss man” included. The Amerindian boys reported that the Chinese men would also select the youngest of them (Amerindian boys) and have sex with them too.The 13-year-old was one of the boys chosen during his employment.The teenagers are sticking to their story even though owner of China Trading, Jason Wang, has since denied using alcohol to lure his Amerindian workers into performing lewd sex acts.Wang stated that in July last year, when the workers claimed the sex acts were performed at the company’s bond on Mandela Avenue,Cordrea Tankersley Womens Jersey, only one Amerindian girl was housed with the other workers in addition to three Chinese men and their wives. He said that the one Amerindian girl lived with her boyfriend.The businessman admitted however, that he erred in the employment process and assured that that would change. He added too that his workers did indeed complain about the food they were given and he asked his Chinese cook to “cook different things.” The remaining workers housed at the bond have said they would like to stay at the living quarters in the bond and Wang has offered to improve the facilities.Since the allegations were made by four ex-workers,Blank Chelsea Jersey, the company was visited by officials of the Ministry of Labour and the National Insurance Scheme. The first two ex-workers who had come forward have been interviewed by officials who are investigating the allegations. However, Kaieteur News understands that the two teenagers from Lethem who have made the allegations of sexual misconduct have not been contacted by any official. The teens have also stated that they have not heard of any official visiting the Lethem community to conduct investigations into the issue.