標題: Jaleel Johnson Womens Jersey Africa
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-12 18:09  資料 私人訊息 
Jaleel Johnson Womens Jersey Africa
A couple from Austria, currently travelling around the world in their mobile home, is visiting Guyana.Gerhard and Margarete Nubbaummuller began their long life dream of seeing the world in December 2008. They have since visited a number of countries including Germany, Africa, and already touched most of the South American countries.They said they have seen a lot of beautiful places passing through the various countries in the South American continent and have learnt a lot about the different cultures and way of life,Timothy Fosu-Mensah Manchester Jersey, while making many new friends along the way.The duo entered Guyana via Brazil using the Takutu River Bridge,Dani Alves Brazil Jersey, and will be heading to neighbouring Suriname in a few days.It was the couple’s lifelong dream to travel the world after fulfilling their career aspirations.Gerhard,Ethan Pocic Youth Jersey, who worked as a mechanical engineer for 30 years said that preparations for their quest took some five years, with him customizing the mobile home. They even tested it through Europe first to see if it could withstand the challenge they were about to embark on.The adventurous husband and wife,Hanley Ramirez Red Sox Jersey, married for 26 years, are happy to be in Guyana despite the challenge journeying to Georgetown via the Lethem trail due to the severe flooding in the region.They expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to Guyanese,Kyle Walker Jersey UK, Ravin Rambarran, who ensured that they get through the trail safely,Dalvin Cook Jersey, and even showed true Guyanese hospitality by hosting them at his Ogle, East Coast Demerara home.The couple met with Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Indranauth Haralsingh, who welcomed them to Guyana.