標題: Rayshawn Jenkins Jersey Raymond August
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-11 19:43  資料 私人訊息 
Rayshawn Jenkins Jersey Raymond August
Yet another life has been snuffed out due to a mining pit cave-in, on this occasion at Jumbie Creek, Potaro.Twenty-five year-old Orlando Archer of 65 Pattensen, South Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, succumbed despite doctors fighting vigorously to save his life at the Mahdia Hospital. The incident reportedly occurred at around 11:20hrs yesterday.Archer was employed with Edward Hopkinson Mining. It is alleged that at the time of the cave-in, he was the lone individual in the pit.An investigation into the matter is underway.Archer’s demise comes exactly one month after a similar tragedy that claimed the lives of 10 miners in Mowasi, Potaro.On May 17,Jan Vertonghen Jersey UK, last, a pit reportedly some 40-ft. deep collapsed, trapping and killing the men. The dead were listed as Leyland Jones, his nephew Jason Trotman, Raymond August, Bobby Brittlebank,Marcel Schmelzer Dortmund Jersey, Michael Gardner,Dawuane Smoot Jaguars Jersey, Sheldon and Orlando Clario,Branislav Ivanovic Jersey, Desmond Martins, Trevon Phillips and Nanmore Kurt.In a herculean effort spanning an entire week,Chad Kelly Womens Jersey, rescue workers braved rain and rough terrain to recover the bodies.And on May 29,Shaquill Griffin Youth Jersey, last, Thomas Anton, a diver of Kamarang died after some loose earth collapsed on him while he was operating mining equipment under water in the Quimenang River.