標題: O. J. Howard Womens Jersey Desmond Williams
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-11 05:26  資料 私人訊息 
O. J. Howard Womens Jersey Desmond Williams
One of the two men who allegedly tried to rob businessman, Oudit Seenarine, has been remanded to prison after he appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, at the Georgetown Magistrates Court.The man, Desmond Williams,Yasmani Grandal Jersey, 22,Morten Andersen Saints Jersey, of Lot 1267 of B Field Sophia was yesterday accused of attempting to commit a felony.It was alleged that on June 4, 2010, he attempted to rob Oudit Seenarine of one gold chain. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. He is a being represented by attorney at law Patrice Henry.The lawyer in a bail application told the court that Williams had an unblemished record. According to the lawyer,Eugenio Mena Jersey, his client has a number of witnesses who are willing and ready to testify that he was at home when the incident happened.The lawyer further argued that the offense which his client was charged with was an eminently bailable offence.He said that the case resembles one of mistaken identity, adding that his client has no knowledge about the “alleged robbery”.However, the virtual complainant who was present in court gave a different version of the story.According to Seenarine, Williams and another suspect, Enrico Inniss, who was shot during the robbery, tried to relieve him of valuables, when he was exiting a daycare at Bel Air.Seenarine said that one of the suspects, Inniss, whipped out a handgun and demanded that he hand over his jewellery and money. However, instead of complying he too pulled out his licensed firearm.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford, objected to bail and stated that Williams was positively identified during an identification parade.The Magistrate remanded the accused until June 21.The businessman was confronted by the two armed bandits who attempted to relieve him of his possessions, two Fridays ago. Seenarine had told this newspaper that he had just exited the compound of a day care in Bel Air after dropping off his children, when a man approached him and demanded that he hand over his gold chain and all his money.Seenarine said the man then reached out to grab him but he backed away. The man then whipped out a handgun but met an equal response.One of the bandits,College Jerseys, Inniss,DeVante Parker Dolphins Jersey, was shot and arrested near the scene of the robbery.