標題: Jose Corona Jersey Mahaica
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-11 02:03  資料 私人訊息 
Jose Corona Jersey Mahaica
– sisterThe alleged house thief who was shot dead by the police on Friday at Dundee, Mahaicony has been identified as 29-year old Delon Hawker of Alness Village, Corentyne,Deshaun Watson Youth Jersey, Berbice.The body was positively identified yesterday at the Lyken Funeral Parlour by his mother Rhonda.Kaieteur News understands that Hawker had left his home and was heading to Georgetown on Friday after telling his relatives that he was going to the R. Kelly show which took place on Saturday night at the National Stadium Providence.The Mahaicony house where last Friday’s burglary took place.“They had a show,Derek Barnett Eagles Jersey, R. Kelly and he tell everybody dat he going, he and some friends,” the dead man’s sister,Kirk Gibson Tigers Jersey, Carah Griffith, told Kaieteur News.She said that it was only yesterday that they received word of his demise.Hawker was shot dead by the police minutes after he fled from the home he and an accomplice raided at Good Faith, Mahaicony on Friday afternoon.He received a bullet just below his chest.Another man believed to be his accomplice was reportedly captured an hour later.Hawker and another man had ransacked the home of minibus driver Veerapen Jebode, 58, and his wife Gangawattie around 13:30 and escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash and other valuables.But their escape was short-lived, thanks to the bravery of the minibus driver’s wife and a neighbor. That was boosted by the quick response from the police.A press release from the Police Public Relations Office said that after the couple found that their home was ransacked, they contacted the police.The police said that ranks from Mahaicony Police Station responded to the report and during the investigations they came under fire from two men who were in the area.“The police returned fire and one of the men was fatally shot, while the other escaped into the backlands. A .32 snub-nose revolver and a 9mm. pistol were recovered at the scene by the police. A bag containing a pair of binoculars,Solomon Thomas Youth Jersey, a cell phone and a cap were also found.”The dead man’s sister said that she did not believe that her brother, whom she claimed is a farmer, would confront the police with a gun.“I don’t believe that my brother would see police and run,” Griffith said.Meanwhile, the man in custody, who gave his address as Lima Dam,Marshon Lattimore Saints Jersey, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara,Sergi Roberto Barcelona Jersey, has reportedly told police that he was going home from work at a construction site at Weldaad, West Coast Berbice when he was apprehended by the police in a mini bus a few miles from his home.He believes that he aroused suspicions because of his after work condition, especially since the police were on the hunt for the escaped thief.He is expected to be placed on an identification parade today.