標題: Erik Lamela Hotspur Jersey UK 000
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-10 00:24  資料 私人訊息 
Erik Lamela Hotspur Jersey UK 000
In its quest to rekindle a love for reading among young children, the National Library will, on Monday, commence a Champion Readers competition to involve young people countrywide.According to Chief Librarian, Ms Gillian Thompson,Harrison Butker Jersey, the reading competition, which comes as part of the 100th anniversary of the library’s existence, is an effort to make reading more attractive to children of all ages.About two weeks ago an orientation session was held at the library’s conference room where the youths who have been selected to participate in the competition were enlightened as to what is expected of them.Ms Thompson said that the competition, which will be divided into three age categories (12-14, 15-17, 18-20), will feature oral and written segments. Persons in each of the age categories will be tasked with reading six books on which the competition will focus.Chief Librarian, Gillian ThompsonThompson said that the youths will be judged on the basis of fluency, dramatic effect, how well they know the books — their plots and style — and general comprehension of the text. Other key factors are scrutinised.The finals of the competition are slated for August 7, when the three winners of the respective categories will be awarded for their performances.The first place winners are guaranteed a total of $50,Leonard Fournette Womens Jersey,000, a local trip and a book award; second place winners are expected to secure for themselves $30,000, a trophy and a book award; while the third place winners will receive $20,000, a trophy and a book award.According to Thompson, the focus on reading has been recognised as one of the primary ways to stimulate a reading interest among young people. She observed that the love for reading has diminished over the years, a trend the library is working to reverse.She related that the library intends to increase its membership at its locations countrywide.The library’s anniversary observance,Alex Anzalone Jersey, according to Margaret Eastman, commenced with a church service and was emphasised on Republic Day when the library participated in the Mashramani Float Parade depicting the library as the literacy lifeline of Guyana.A Quiz competition for primary and secondary schools had also been engaged. It saw the students being questioned about the history and geography of Guyana.According to Eastman, through the quizzes it was expected that the young people will learn more about the National Library; recognise the library as one of the main information centres in Guyana; become more knowledgeable about their country’s rich history and its geography; develop a love for and loyalty to their country; become familiar with the names of Guyanese and Caribbean writers and their works and develop enthusiasm for creative writing.Among the primary level schools that participated in those competitions were St Agnes,Authentic Jerseys Sale, St Angela’s, West Ruimveldt, Winfer Gardens, Stella Maris, St Gabriel’s, North Georgetown and F. E. Pollard.Slated to compete in the secondary level were Tutorial, Brickdam, Christ Church, North Ruimveldt Multilateral, North Georgetown, Charlestown, St Joseph, and Richard Ishmael Secondary Schools.Among the several other activities which will be engaged are debating competitions, a photographic exhibition, essay and short story competitions,Christian Eriksen Hotspur Jersey UK, hosting of school tours of the library, a health walk and day of sport.According to Eastman,Joao Carlos Teixeira Liverpool Jersey, all of the students who emerge champions at the competitions will be featured in a special magazine, which is intended to show the progress of the National Library over the years.The observance, Eastman said, is slated to culminate in September at which point persons who have worked for 10 years or more with the National Library will be honoured.