標題: Marco Verratti Jersey Amendment
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 20:00  資料 私人訊息 
Marco Verratti Jersey Amendment
…as Customs (Amendment) Bill receives undivided support By: Kiana Wilburg Government and the political Opposition agreed yesterday that the time has come toFinance Minister, Winston Jordanend the abuse of the remigrant scheme. To this end, the Customs (Amendment) Bill 2016 which will bring about certain necessary changes to prevent the misuse of the system was unanimously supported.The Bill was brought before the House by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, who said that the Bill seeks to amend Section 23 of the Customs Act so as to standardize requirements of residency, entitlements and conditions with regard to the concessions for duty free vehicles imported by qualifying re-migrants and settlers.The Parliamentarian said that Guyana has a large Diaspora population and various Governments, to their credit,Brett Lawrie White Sox Jersey, have sought to bring that Diaspora closer to its natural home for various reasons.Jordan said that given the various gaps in Guyana, particularly of a financial and human resource nature, it is important that one taps into the Diaspora. He said that the Diaspora population is attracted by various schemes and incentives.The Finance Minister said that the remigrant scheme is one that has been around for quite a while. Of late,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “some kinks have been thrown up.” He said that one in particular has to do with who really qualifies to be termed a remigrant and what are they really entitled to when it comes to vehicles.The politician said, “We have been reading the newspapers and we have heard stories about people being granted remigrant status and were just coming home to collect their duty free concessions on car or cars…Because of a system that is generally lax, perhaps because it lacks the manpower to man it, some problems came about.”He emphasized that the amendment to the law seeks to define who is a remigrant, how duty free concessionsFormer Attorney General, Anil Nandlallwill be granted on vehicles and what will happen if there is a breach.The Finance Minister said,Jerseys From China, “We are asking, for example, that they live here for 183 days and that is the general prescription of the law. We are also saying that the vehicle must be imported by the qualifying remigrant or settler once within six months within assuming residency.”In the case of the vehicle,Luuk de Jong Jersey, Jordan said that the laws will be amended for the vehicle to be imported provided that it is not older than eight years.He clarified that the remigrant has to live in Guyana for three years if he or she seeks to import an old vehicle and live five years in the country for new vehicles. The Finance Minister said that he believes that these are reasonable amendments and did not expect much opposition from his colleagues on the western side of the House.His prediction was correct as Opposition Member Anil Nandlall rose to offer his unequivocal support for the Bill. He said that the Bill obviously seeks to strengthen the remigrant scheme.The Parliamentarian said, “We are all aware that the remigrant scheme,Chris Godwin Buccaneers Jersey, as noble as the intention of it may be,Mamadou Sakho Liverpool Jersey, has been the subject of abuse and misuse and manipulation. And there are recorded cases of this.”He then gave the House several examples of how the system has been manipulated in various instances over the years. Nandlall said that the Bill is a good attempt by Government to block the holes in the system.The former Attorney General expressed hope that it will go a far way in assisting the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) in its quest to guard against the abuse of the remigrant scheme. When the Customs Amendment Bill was put for a vote, it was passed without opposition.