標題: Sammy Sosa Cubs Jersey period
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 18:39  資料 私人訊息 
Sammy Sosa Cubs Jersey period
In what could have been an otherwise tragic occurrence, a Guyana Defence Force helicopter, GDF 1,Eddie Jackson Womens Jersey, landed safely without incident at army headquarters,Kyle Walker Jersey UK, Base Camp Ayanganna, after it was “buzzed” by what appeared to be aThe Army says drones can cause serious if not fatal accidents, especially if operating in airspace allocated to low-flying aircraft.remote-controlled ‘Drone,Jozy Altidore Toronto Shirts,’ recently.At the time of the incident, the helicopter was making its final approach to Camp Ayanganna,Chad Williams Jersey, overhead Thomas Lands,Charles Harris Jersey, in the vicinity of Queen’s College and the National Park. The pilot reported that the drone flew dangerously close to the helicopter and also attempted to follow the aircraft.The Guyana Defence Force said that it has noted with concern the frequency of drones being flown in Georgetown, as well as other parts of the country. It reiterated that these devices can cause serious if not fatal accidents, especially when they are being operated in the airspace allocated to low-flying aircraft. “Further, it is recommended that the public refrains from operating these devices in and around Base Camp Ayanganna and all other Military Bases.”A senior official of the Guyana Defence Force with close links to the aviation sector explained that the situation could get out of hand if certain regulations are not enforced.He said that apart from operating near military bases, drone operators should adhere to the five-mile control zone around the Ogle Airport,Fernando Jersey, where aircraft are taking off and landing regularly.“We suspect that the incident with the GDF helicopter was caused by someone operating from around the Georgetown Seawall or the National Park, and therefore we might have to check these areas with a view to enforcing the regulations regarding the control zone,” the GDF official stated.He said that the situation is very scary, since the GDF uses its helicopter regularly to conduct patrols and would therefore be flying at low altitudes.“These drones should not be flown in these areas, period!” the official declared.