標題: Deatrich Wise Jr. Jersey currently
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 03:53  資料 私人訊息 
Deatrich Wise Jr. Jersey currently
Some residents in Mocha on the East Bank of Demerara have expressed their frustration with the ongoing water problem in their community.One of the residents,Lonnie Chisenhall Indians Jersey, Samantha Henry, told Kaieteur News that it has been over one week now since the community has been without water.As a result, she disclosed that residents are now cutting the pipelines so that they can access some water from the system,Emre Can Jersey, while others have resorted to using water from the trenches and canals.Henry noted that some persons are feeling the brunt of the situation,Ederson Jersey, since most children are home for the August holidays.When contacted for a comment on the matter, Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Karan Singh says that the entity is aware of the problem.He explained that the Mocha Pump is currently experiencing some difficulties, and the water company is now in the process of procuring spare parts for the equipment.Singh said that the community is not completely out of water, as GWI is providing water to the residents from an interconnection between Covent Garden and Eccles.He explained that the people in Mocha are accustomed to getting water at a relatively high pressure, which would reach in the upper flat of most two- or three-storey houses.However,Christian McCaffrey Jersey, currently,Christian Eriksen Hotspur Jersey UK, this is not the case, and according to Singh,Sebastian Rode Dortmund Jersey, this may be one of the reasons why persons are now complaining.Meanwhile, the CEO once again expressed his frustration with the wanton wastage of water by consumers. He told Kaieteur News that on Monday, he along with other officials from GWI visited the Uitvlugt Pasture on the West Coast of Demerara and observed that most households had left their pipes running for hours.