標題: Zay Jones Jersey 47
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-8 17:38  資料 私人訊息 
Zay Jones Jersey 47
One of New York’s most wanted men,Luis Hernandez Mexico Jersey, Guyana-born Sean Lopes, 47, was on Monday captured in England after nine years on the run.Lopes, according to a Business Insider report yesterday,Stephen Curry Panthers Jersey, has been a fugitive since he skipped bail in the US in 2004 while facing charges of attempted murder and kidnapping.Caught: Sean LopesThe former science teacher attacked his 22-year-old ex-girlfriend Amanda Hopkins, who was also a teacher and the niece of a US federal Magistrate in Florida, and in 2005 was sentenced in his absence to 15 years in prison.But after nine years on the run,Jordi Alba Barcelona Jersey, in which he was named as one of the NYPD’s most wanted criminals,Preston Tucker Astros Jersey, he was finally tracked down to an address in Chatham.Police detained him on Monday after an extradition warrant was issued by Westminster Magistrates’ Court.A Kent Police spokesman explained that a member of the public raised concerns about Lopes and after an investigation by detectives, which included liaising with authorities in New York and the Metropolitan Police,Emre Can Germany Jersey, he was tracked down and arrested.Prosecutors in New York at the time said that Lopes became obsessed with Miss Hopkins and was furious that she dumped him after discovering he was 10 years older than he had claimed, was married and was the father of a young girl.It was claimed that Lopes sneaked into the Bronx teacher’s Upper East Side apartment in New York on June 25, 2004, armed with a fake gun, a stun gun and a knife,Arjen Robben Jersey, and waited for her to come home.When she arrived Lopes attacked and choked her, and threatened to kill her and then commit suicide.Police later stormed the apartment and found Lopes holding the knife to the Maths teacher’s throat, and he was arrested. He was later bailed and then fled.Lopes appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court yesterday where he was remanded until May 14 when he will appear again.Last year US authorities said they believed Guyana-born Lopes was hiding in Trinidad and Tobago and they described him as a “violent fugitive”.In 2008, Interpol in Guyana said Lopes, who is believed to have Guyanese and Dutch nationality, was wanted for alleged kidnapping and other crimes involving the use of weapons and explosives.