標題: Derek Barnett Eagles Jersey 35pm to 5
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 16:12  資料 私人訊息 
Derek Barnett Eagles Jersey 35pm to 5
A report prepared by a Board of Inquiry set up by the Guyana Defence Force to look into the operations of the Coast Guard still leaves doubts with regards to a possible link to the river mishap that led to the deaths of Henry Gibson and Dinanauth Jainarayan and the disappearance of 10-year-old Rickey Jainarayan.The Board of Inquiry was assembled on August 22,Michael Carrick Manchester United Jersey, and was headed by Lieutenant Colonel Kyte,Anthony Martial Jersey, who acted as the president.Lieutenant Commander Burnett and Captain Lynch made up the rest of the board.While the Board of Inquiry was specifically mandated to investigate the alleged abduction,Blank Toronto Jersey, robbery and subsequent murder of Dweive Kant Ramdass, the report provided additional findings as it relates to the deaths of Gibson and Jainarayan and the disappearance of Rickey Jainarayan. There is incontrovertible evidence that the boat the three occupants were in, was involved in an accident on August 10,Johnny Bench Reds Jersey, with another vessel which was painted in colours consistent with that of the GDF Coast Guard vessel RC12.According to the GDF report,Luciano Narsingh Netherlands Jersey, the accident occurred at a time when the Coast Guard vessel was reportedly moored at the Fort Island wharf.But the report went on to state that a re-supply trip was done on the said day of the accident,Tarell Basham Jersey, to Parika from 4:35pm to 5:55 pm, and the vessel returned around the time Jainarayan’s boat was on its way from Parika to Hog Island. The vessel was commanded by Coast Guard rank Hart, who was the reported mastermind of the abduction, robbery and murder of Dweive Kant Ramdass.The report stated that Jainarayan called his son Rickey who was at Hog Island and told him to pick him up at Parika. Rickey Jainarayan and boat captain Henry Gibson, departed Hog Island at 5:00 pm for Parika and reached their destination at approximately 5:30pm.They then left Parika immediately for Hog Island.The army’s findings stated that Jainarayan’s reputed wife Salim Rahaman called him at about 5:40pm and he told her that they were on their way.Approximately 10 minutes later she called again and did not get through to him.She continued to call throughout the night but received no answer.At 6:00 am the following day she called the Police Station at Wakenaam and reported that her reputed husband Jainarayan, Henry Gibson and her son Rickey Jainarayan left Parika the previous afternoon for Hog Island but had not arrived.A search of the area was conducted and the boat with the dead bodies of Jainarayan and Gibson was found on the western side of Hog Island.It was also reported that Jainarayan died from drowning and Gibson died from a fractured skull and drowning.