標題: Budda Baker Jersey de pilot ain’t come yet
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 16:11  資料 私人訊息 
Budda Baker Jersey de pilot ain’t come yet
Marriage is one of de most beautiful things on earth. It satisfies and soothes de soul that is entangled,Jetro Willems Jersey, especially when you find de right soul mate. Wedding plans does tek time and tons of money. People does travel great distance to be part of that joyous event. But dem have some people who don’t have regard fuh people future and happiness. Dem people who does run charter flights charter plane like Dynamic and Eastern Airline.Every week if dem got ten flight dem got forty delay and de forty delay does last fuh at least twenty-six hours a day.A gyal coming home to get married and Dynamic flight couldn’t tek off. That is wha dem does do when dem don’t have enough passengers. Dem does delay to get more passenger to full de plane de next day and inconvenience people.Dem boys seh dem don’t have common courtesy to pick up de phone and call de passenger to seh “De flight not leffing today.”People does go in de airport,Daeshon Hall Womens Jersey, send way dem family who carry dem to de airport. Then dem sit down inside and deh waiting this time dem don’t have no plane in sight.After a few hours dem gun tell you dem got some disaster. Dem got snow and not a drop fall. De claim de plane wing damage,Chris Smalling Jersey, de pilot ain’t come yet,Cesar Azpilicueta Chelsea Jersey, de plane on its way or de pilot drunk and sleep way.De gyal who was coming to get married in misery. De food spoil; guest turn up all dressed up fuh wedding only to be told de plane can’t come off de ground.And all this time de airline don’t even give you a chit to get a bottle of water,Jon Flanagan Jersey, much less li’l food.Dem boys seh Dynamic should pay all costs for de girl brand new wedding and send de people to a nice honeymoon resort and dem boys not talking bout Arrowpoint. That’s not a resort.Dem boys hear nuff people come pun dem charter flight fuh funeral and by de time de plane touch down more family members dead and bury.This is de kind of business arrangement and contract de government enter into and allowing dem to mek a mess of de people without any form of compensation.Dem boys seh it is always good to have something to count on. Fuh sure Dynamic and Eastern not in that category.Talk half and hope Soulja Bai terminate dem inefficient airline service.