標題: Cesar Azpilicueta Jersey Geomattie Husman
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-8 15:31  資料 私人訊息 
Cesar Azpilicueta Jersey Geomattie Husman
The search for four fishermen who went missing in separate alleged pirate attacks have been called off and local rescue workers have returned to Guyana. The missing men have not been located and are feared dead in the waters of neighbouring Suriname.Searches were conducted for 44-year-old Murtland Fordyce and 39-year-old Kumar Persaud. Other searches were organized for Bisham Mohamed, and Captain Khemraj Cyril.Fordyce and Persaud were aboard the fishing vessel “Anna Teresa”. The boat, according to the Captain, Harry Singh was hijacked on October 1, with the pirates reportedly tying up the fishermen and tossing them over board.Bisham MohamedSingh and three other fishermen returned to Guyana two weeks ago.Singh told Kaieteur News that the search was called off late last week although the men have not been found. According to him, searches were conducted for three weeks. He said he and other persons, including Surinamese officials were the first rescue team dispatched to locate the missing fishermen. Hansel,Chris Sale Red Sox Jersey, the owner of the hijacked vessel told Kaieteur News that his two sons and his son-in-law were part of the rescue party, while several other fishing vessels rendered their assistance.The Captain told this publication that when their boat was attacked, the pirates were armed with cutlasses,Dawuane Smoot Womens Jersey, pieces of wood and guns. He alleged that the pirates gave his men a sound thrashing before tying them up and tossing them over board. He recalled receiving lashes to his head with a piece of wood and receiving two chops; one across the leg and another on the left hand.The Captain said because he was badly hurt, the pirates did not tie him up. He said he was the second person to be tossed overboard,Radamel Falcao Garcia Zarate Jersey, but never came into contact with the other workers. It took all night, Singh said, for him to swim and float himself close to shore. There, he was picked up by a small vessel.Singh attributed his survival to 31 years of fishing. The fishing boat was recovered completely ransacked. Millions of dollars worth of goods and equipment were missing.Bisham Mohamed,Daley Blind Manchester United Jersey, and Captain Khemraj Cyril are missing from fishing vessel,Sidney Jones Jersey, “Jonaral Jonathan 1122”. There are however suspicious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of these two men. Reports are that three men were working aboard this boat and after the alleged pirate attack,Ethan Pocic Womens Jersey, only one man was found. He is however giving conflicting reports, the boat captain Patrick Viera and family of the fishermen claimed.Searches for these men were also called off. They have been missing for six weeks now.The named survivor of the pirate attack allegedly told Surinamese police that the pirates ordered the boat’s occupants to jump into the sea, but later reported to folks at home that the pirates threw everyone over board.The survivor said he was the first to jump over board when the men attacked. In his other version, he said the boat’s Captain was the first to be tossed into the water and he was next.Murtland FordyceMohamed’s sister, Geomattie Husman, called the situation “fishy”, while the boat owner called the matter “strange”. Viera said that the lone survivor was questioned by Surinamese police but later released. The families of the missing men are expected to make reports to local authorities since the man’s story is not “adding up”.This publication was told that “Jonaral Jonathan 1122”was recovered some time after the alleged attack, and the only thing damaged was the boat’s engine. Items belonging to the missing men were reportedly found onboard, with all the boat’s valuables still intact.