標題: Taylor Moton Panthers Jersey Naree
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-8 12:41  資料 私人訊息 
Taylor Moton Panthers Jersey Naree
Neesa saga continues… Neesa saga continues… A paternal aunt of Neesa Gopaul yesterday filed a motion in the High Court seeking sole custody of the murdered teen’s little sister. The motion was filed by a sister of Gopaul’s father,Clark Griswold Jersey, Krishnama Sukhra. Neesa Gopaul Both the child’s maternal grandfather, Mohammed Kayum,David Clarkson Jersey, and his wife,Laurent Koscielny Arsenal Jersey UK, were yesterday served with the motion and are expected in court on November 9. Sukhra is the sister of Moonsammy Gopaul who died almost a year ago.The child’s aunt said the move came as a result of what she claims is the grandparents’ inability to take care of her brother’s only surviving child.“Dem know what was going on with Neesa, dey had Neesa living with them and still dey didn’t do anything,Zack Kassian Canadiens Jersey, so why we should lef dem with (child’s name),” Sukhra said.She added that if she is granted custody,Cheap Sittched Jerseys China, she will try her best to ensure that the child maintains a relation with her grandparents. The woman said since her brother’s death , Bibi Sherima (Naree) Gopaul has barred them from seeing both her nieces.Meanwhile, the teen’s grandfather upon being served with the motion said he is at his wits’ end and is not prepared for any legal battles. Initially, the child’s maternal relatives had stated that an aunt from overseas was willing to adopt her. The man remains adamant that he did his best for both Neesa and her little sister but his actions, too, were limited because of their mother.The man, who is a pensioner,Mallory Pugh Jersey, said on several occasions he intervened on Neesa’s behalf stating that it was he who first took her to the Ministry of Human Services. He said when both his granddaughters were living with him, the only problem was that their mother was not supporting them financially, and sometime after their mother came and demanded them.Neesa Gopaul’s remains were found in a suitcase at an abandoned resort on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. The teen had been reported missing a few days before. Following the discovery, her mother, Bibi Sherima (Naree) Gopaul and her lover Jarvis ‘Barry’ Small were arrested. They have since been charged for the teen’s murder.In addition, the Ministry of Human Services had accepted some responsibility, admitting that it did not do all in its power to protect the murdered teenager. After her death, numerous horror stories were revealed that the teen had been battling with a life of sex, drugs and abuse. Many claim to have known of the teen’s plight but nothing much was done to save her life.