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註冊 2017-5-25
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Eighteen women from South-East Georgetown have acquired skills and knowledge that will enable them to enhance the quality of their daily lives. The women are in receipt of certificates, having successfully completed a three-month “women empowerment” programme hosted by the Volunteer Youth Corps (VYC). This was the third annual feature of its kind.The graduates were tutored in the areas of cookery, cake and pastryVolunteers and graduates of the latest VYC empowerment programme.making,Casemiro Jersey, floral arrangement and curtain designs.? The ceremony which also comprised an exhibition production was held at the Conference room of the National Library yesterday.According to chairperson of the event, Goldie Scott, VYC is a group which focuses primarily on the youth and children.“However, 16 years after its establishment, we recognised the need to involve the parents of these young people,Jalen Reeves-Maybin Womens Jersey, as we thought we would be most effective if we worked with their adult relatives who have a great influence in their lives.”Scott said that during the period 2009- 2010, VYC presented the proposal of a plan which included women as a component of its federal mandate to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and received a grant to reach out to women.“Thus we did our assessment and found out about the women, most of whom are single mothers; we found what areas they were interested in. Most of them said sewing, computer training and agriculture… our intention was to invest in women so that they can be empowered to earn an income and improve the lives of the child or young person they may have under their care,” Scott said.Scott informed the audience that from its genesis,Jim Thome Indians Jersey, VYC has partnered with various groups including the Venezuelan Institute.“We have seen a large number of women graduate since then, after they would have acquired the necessary skills and training. However, this time, the courses were mainly sponsored by VYC,Evan Engram Womens Jersey,” she said, adding that this is just the first part of the component of the project.“The advanced level will be beginning soon, the registration process is ongoing.”Keertie Hardowar Singh, Coordinator of the programme told Kaieteur News that she is a graduate from a similar course.“I thought it was a good idea to do something like this, because I have personally benefited from a related course. I knew it would help women develop themselves, their homes, families and communities. We tried to include women primarily from the South-East Georgetown area; most of whom reside in the Lodge community, at this stage of the programme.”Singh said that while VYC would want to expand its outreach, the assistance of other bodies is pertinent. “We have had talks about including the members of the private sector so that we can do more.”Meanwhile, those who tutored the classes encouraged their students to further develop themselves into powerful, independent females who can be role models to their children and wider society.Throughout the years, the Volunteer Youth Corps, a non -governmental and non-profit organisation has cultivated an image of caring for humanity. VYC is made up of a dynamic group of young people, who have dedicated their time,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, talents and energies towards the health,Michael Bradley Toronto Shirts, economic and social sectors in Guyana.