標題: Cheap Jerseys Free PNCR Presidential Candidate
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-4 23:53  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys Free PNCR Presidential Candidate
Responding to questions from some sections of the media about his involvement in the rigging of the 1973 elections,Luca Antonelli Jersey, PNCR Presidential Candidate,Juli??n Davenport Womens Jersey, David Granger,Pistons #0 Andre Drummond Navy Stitched NBA Jersey, said that he has never shot any human being neither was he at the scene of the incident.Granger said that he will not deliberate on the matter at any other forum. Recollecting what transpired during the period, Granger said that during the election,David Sharpe Raiders Jersey, there was an incident on the Corentyne and another in the Canje area.According to Granger, three persons were shot. He added that the then administration had convened a Judicial Commission of Inquiry under Justice Dhanessar Jhappan.“Following that inquiry,” Granger said,Mack Hollins Youth Jersey, “a report was submitted and it was clear who the intellectual authors were behind the incident. The blame was laid at the door of the instigators who gave instructions to young people to do things that caused a clash.”Granger however noted that many persons are not even aware that the report is available.The Presidential candidate further pointed to the fact that the incident occurred more than 38 years ago and persons who are looking to solve crimes should direct their attention to the crime situation over the past ten years which,John Johnson Jersey, he said, has doubled with at least two armed robberies a day.Also speaking about his comment about wanting a woman as his Prime Minister, Granger said it is still early and that decision will be made at a later date.“The principle is that women constitute more than half the population of Guyana and they have a right to be considered.Secondly, I am a member of the Central Executive Committee and the General Council. I am not a loner and the decision when it is made will be made in full consultation by the two bodies. It is not my decision it will arise out of the two bodies.”