標題: Toronto FC Shirts Pure Mathematics
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-4 05:52  資料 私人訊息 
Toronto FC Shirts Pure Mathematics
Wallisa Roberts has been adjudged top student at this year’s sitting of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE).Roberts, who is a student of Queen’s College, secured five grade one passes in Caribbean Studies Unit 1,Wholesale Jerseys, Biology Unit 2, Pure Mathematics, Chemistry Unit 2 and Environmental Science Unit 2.The disclosure came yesterday at a press briefing held by the Minister of Education, Shaik Baksh. The Minister said that the results for this year were similar to those of last year. This year’s pass rate decreased by point four, the pass rate for last year was 87.9 per cent.According to the Minister, candidates obtained a pass rate of 50 percent with grade one to five passes.He said that while the students performed excellently in some subjects, whereas they were some declines in some subject areas. He said that there was decline in Pure Mathematics and Spanish. The Minister noted that the pass rate for Pure Mathematics continues to be below the fifty percentage margin. He said that although the margin is below fifty percent there was a slight improvement this year and it has climbed from 38.7 per cent to 45.78 per cent.The Minister said that Spanish has declined from 80 per cent last year to 33.33 per cent this year. Minister Baksh told the briefing that it should be noted that Physics Unit has improved from 44.4 per cent last year to 58.33 per cent in 2009.Other top performers at this year’s examination are Melisa Moore, Wainella Isaacs, Makesha Archer, Yana-Marisa Edwards,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Eileen Marray,Cheap Jerseys From China, Priam Persaud,Chile Soccer Jersey, Kathleen Pires, Aaron Haralsingh, Roy Premaul,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, and Patrice Douglas.Of the ten top performers eight are from Queen’s College, and the others coming from New Amsterdam Multilateral and President’s College. A total of 426 students wrote the exam this year compared to 392 last year. Candidates were offered units in 24 subject areas; each unit comprises of three modules and is separately examined and certified.The ten examination centres were Mackenzie High School,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, New Amsterdam Multilateral and Adult Education Association –New Amsterdam Branch.Other centres were President’s College, Bishops High, Queen College, St Roses High, St Joseph and St Stanislaus College and Adult Education Association.Minister Baksh said that his ministry would be able to make a pronouncement on CSEC results some time late next week, as the results are not yet in Guyana.