標題: Danny Ings Jersey Roger B
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-4 03:20  資料 私人訊息 
Danny Ings Jersey Roger B
(By Mondale Smith)Four former calypso monarchs, a three-time Soca monarch, a reigning Banks Groovy Soca Monarch,Emre Can Liverpool Jersey, a comedic dancer, several new faces and a big singer’s son are set to create the Soca Mash music pulse competitively on February 4 in Linden when the much anticipated Carib Soca Monarch 2012 gets underway.Get ready for some major high energy, competitive Soca action as the competition makes its return with a collective, cash prize purse of about $4M… the winner gets $1.5M as opposed to the $1M previously announced. All told there were 33 but that list is now narrowed down to 18 singers.This comes after a one-year hiatus and is anticipated to be the most supported for the energy and entertainment that is often the heart beat of the National Republic Festival.Expressing surprise at the number of entries Public Relations Officer Darshanie Yussuf,Petr Cech Jersey, and Event Coordinator,Martin Demichelis Argentina Jersey, Nigel Worrell, dubbed the shortlist as the best of the best. They said that this year’s winner will be representing Guyana at the 2013 International Soca Monarch.The two former senior calypso monarchs are Roger Hinds a.k.a Young Bill Rogers, who will be ‘behind a band’ and Rudolph Kendal known as Sweet Kendingo will let the audience know that ‘We going til Morning’.Former Junior monarchs? Abigail James (AJ) likes ‘Breakfast’ and Wilbur Levans,Miguel Layun Jersey, also called B52, will be ‘Highly flammable’ in their bid to make the finals.Three-time soca monarch Adrian Dutchin is back in the competition as is the Reigning Banks Groovy Soca monarch Jumo? ‘Rubber Waist’ Primo singing ‘I am a Guyanese’ and ‘One people’ respectively. They are all part of the Kross kolors Head Hunters crew that also includes three-time road March queen Melissa ‘Vanilla’? Roberts. She’s coming with ‘Rage.’Those who competed before are Beverly Smith known as Little B who managed a second spot before in the competition. This time she’s ‘On the road again.’ The others are Roger Bowen (Roger B) and Barbados-based Pier DaSilva. Their songs are ‘Fire Man’ and ‘Mash Up De Place’ RespectivelyOther names are Atiola Peters, lone duo Roger Hassell and Colin Boyce combined,Luis Montes Jersey,Another semi-finalist is comedic dancer turn singer,Tottenham Hotspur Jersey UK, Ivelaw Campbell, aka Granny? Ivelaw and he’s in an ‘African mood.’Big Red is not in the competition but her son, Jonathan King, is. He wants to tell the soca lovers to ‘Hold me tight’ in his bid to better his mother’s second place performance.Christine McKoy aka Chris T is taking her first shot at the title and hopes to win the first prize with her reminder that ‘ We Guyanese,’ and Dexter Lovell aka ‘Dexter D’ is ready to? remind all that its ‘Soca Morning.’?? Other new names to the competition are Dwayne Semple and George Abrams called King Shepherd and Anthony. They are singing ‘Wine up on it’ and ‘Wine Attack’ respectively.The semi final is scheduled for February 4, 2012 at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground in Linden.This stage of the competition will see six contestants being eliminated with those remaining advancing to the final on February 18, 2012 at the National Park where they will be joined by the reigning monarch Orlando Johashen for a night of riveting competitive entertainment.