標題: Jay Chapman Toronto Jersey called ‘Shortman’
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-3 22:34  資料 私人訊息 
Jay Chapman Toronto Jersey called ‘Shortman’
Jason Orlando Mc Kenzie called ‘Psycho’, one of four inmates in the New Amsterdam Prison charged with murder committed on a fellow inmate in 2011,Steven Berghuis Jersey, has been sentenced to 12 years in jail.Jason Orlando McKenzieThe accused first appeared before Justice Brassington Reynolds in the Berbice High Court and pleaded not guilty to murder,Georginio Wijnaldum Netherland Jersey, but through his attorney changed his plea to guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter.It was alleged that between April 27, 2011 and May 4, 2011, McKenzie while with other inmates, killed 24-year-old Sebastian Cleto, called ‘Shortman’, ‘Plato’or ‘Clato,Lucas Lima Brazil Jersey,’ of Bent Street Wortmanville, Georgetown.Justice Reynolds had ordered a probation report which was presented to the court yesterday.Two others were freed of the charge while a fourth man had escaped from jail and is still on the run.Sebastian Cleto and Andy Adams were beaten by Mc Kenzie and the others. Cleto was rendered unconscious due to an injury to the head. He was later transferred to the ICU of the Georgetown Hospital where he subsequently died.According to the report presented by Probation and Social Services Officer, Joanne Samuels, the accused had a chequered past. The man was the last of a number of children from separate relationships between his parents. He hadn’t much education, reaching only the secondary department of primary school. He was subsequently expelled from school.The report further stated that the man moved between his father and mother’s residences. He subsequently became delinquent and disrespectful. The report went on to state that the man worked at various? entities, including Banks DIH Limited, Guysuco and a Security Service,Netherlands Jersey, but would constantly get into conflict.It was during a second stint at Guysuco that he was arrested and charged for robbery under arms. Whilst in jail he was charged with murder. He is also facing a number of charges of attempted murder, some of which are currently pending in the court.Residents in the community revealed that the accused is aggressive and a bully, and does not have a good relationship with the neighbourhood as a whole. Reports from the prison system also revealed that the man is a “problem case” and would constantly get into altercations.According to the prosecution’s case as presented by attorney at law Assistant Director of Public Prosecution Judith Gildharie-Mursalin,??the?accused along with Raymond La Fleur ,Argentina Soccer Jersey, Kevin James and Rickford La Fleur, while being prisoners of the New Amsterdam Prison, and while armed with wood and other implements, beat Cleto and Adams who were also inmates of the New Amsterdam Prison.They were both rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital where Adams was treated and sent away. Cleto, who was rendered unconscious due to an injury to the head, was later transferred to the ICU of the Georgetown Hospital where he subsequently died.Cleto and Adams were incarcerated for murdering Nizamudeen Khan,Serge Aurier Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, a security guard attached to a Rosignol saw mill on July 20 2007.Two of the accused Raymond La Fleur and Kevin James were freed of the charge while the fourth man Rickford La Fleur had earlier escaped from Prison.Mc Kenzie was among the inmates who were involved in a fracas on Tuesday 23rd?May 2014 at the New Amsterdam Prison in which a number of prisoners were seriously injured. The men were charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounded four fellow inmates.In a plea of mitigation, his lawyer Raymond Alli asked the court to be lenient with his client. He stated that his client did not waste the court’s time and was remorseful. He also stated that his client is young, has time for rehabilitation, and has a four-year-old son.Justice Reynolds before passing sentence told Mc Kenzie that he took all that was said into consideration. He said that the probation report was not in his favour and despite the mitigating pleas of his lawyer, a life has been lost. He told the man that he seems to have a problem of being delinquent.He told McKenzie that the act was premeditated and brutal, and that he had in mind to sentence him to 20 years in jail. He however subtracted five years for the man’s guilty plea and four years for the time already spent in jail. Justice Reynolds then added one year to the sentence for the brutality committed.