標題: David Silva Manchester City Jersey API
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 17:24  資料 私人訊息 
David Silva Manchester City Jersey API
Throughout the course of 2010, the industrial relations climate in the sugar belt could be described as tense at best and bellicose at worst. The culpability of an “absent prone” labour force was repeatedly underscored.However in the establishment and maintenance of an equitable relation of production, the voice of labour should be accorded serious consideration. In these circumstances, Kaieteur News sought the views of sugar workers from the Enmore Estate on the East Coast of Demerara.The Enmore Estate, it may be recalled, in 1948, featured the valiant endeavour of sugar workers to establish an equitable relation of production even in the face of fatal suppressive violence by a colonial administration without much sympathy for any worker interest.The consensus view expressed recently by the workers was that the government ought to establish a Commission to review the living conditions of sugar workers, as the old colonial power used to do, which will run simultaneously with the review of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)’s management.The findings and recommendations of such a commission could function as a concrete blueprint for the alleviation of the lot of the ordinary sugar worker.The workers emphasised that the crux of all labour disputes with GuySuCo revolves around the central issue of remuneration. They said that with families to sustain, the Corporation must be able to pay a livable wage. It was also explained that this is the genesis of all absenteeism.In this regard, the workers did not share a favourable opinion of the 2001 agreement with the World Bank which stipulated a five percent cap on wage increases.They said that the analysis behind such an imposition had to have been devoid of any understanding of the history of the sugar industry. The loss of the Annual Production Incentive (API), it was stressed, was tangibly felt.They opined that because of variable persistent rainfall, the mechanical harvester and Bell loader can never replace manual labour, adding that in such conditions, manual labour is far more efficient.The workers said that GuySuCo’s grandiose production target for 2011 will not be attained unless serious consideration is paid to the right of a sugar worker to a decent wage,Keisuke Honda Jersey, adding that this was the fundamental point which GuySuCo’s top brass seem not to be able to grasp.They then discussed the specifics relating to their work, revealing that in the sugar sector, the various estates have devised different yardsticks for payment.? Some estates pay for what is called an “open” (two rows across 18 rods) while others are paid for a “bank” (two rows across three rods) or by some other measurement.Thus a pattern has developed where some estates pay better than some. Workers feel that there needs to be some regularization of these divergent practices paving the way for an equitable yardstick to be used across the sugar belt.The workers also talked about the “tactical” threat to derecognise the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU). They opined that any such action would result in the instant death of the sugar sector as workers across the country would refuse to work.They recounted the storied history of the union in the preservation of workers’ rights and the promotion of the nationalist cause.It was also noted how the Boland Commission of Inquiry which investigated the 1948 industrial action found that workers paralyzed sugar production when the Sugar Producers’ Association preferred to deal with the Manpower Citizens Association (MPCA) and refused to negotiate with the precursor to GAWU.They said that such a threat was tantamount to an insult to sugar workers, and posited that GAWU, albeit its limitations, has done much in the representation of workers’ rights. It was noted that the very nationalization of the sugar industry effected in the 1970s was an attempt to correct an historic imbalance in the relation of production.Indeed,Ander Herrera Jersey, the then Minister of Agriculture Gavin Kennard, in 1976, forwarded the view “… As we,Adrien Rabiot Jersey, the Government representatives, embark on the discussions to acquire the holdings of Bookers, we are acutely conscious,Salvatore Sirigu Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, therefore,Ryan Mason Jersey UK, of the special brief we hold for the workers of the industry. Looking back into the most recent past, we are not satisfied that the people of Guyana have derived an adequate share of the earnings and potential of the industry.”Rohit Sing