標題: Mathieu Flamini Jersey On a recent visit to Parika
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 02:19  資料 私人訊息 
Mathieu Flamini Jersey On a recent visit to Parika
The war between the Parika Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Chairman, Krishna Samlall and vendors allegedly operating on the road parapet rages on and from all indication,Timothy Fosu-Mensah Manchester United Jersey, it seems headed for eventual physical confrontations.Since the vendors have been relentless in their complaints about mistreatment from the NDC Chairman and unavailability of a proper ‘sales location’ this newspaper ventured to the area recently and observed the confrontations between the two parties.Before time, the vendors had complained that they were placed far behind the Parika Market at a location hardly traversed by anyone. They had complained of being unable to garner any significant sales and as such had moved to another area along the roadside in a desperate bid to survive.However, the vendors had indicated that the NDC Chairman had employed some of his close associates and after issuing them with identification cards, had instructed that they seize the goods of the vendors in question. They had also noted that upon trying to reclaim their goods, they were asked to pay either $6000 or $10 000 and were issued with a receipt, which however is reserved for payment of rates and taxes. The receipts however dictated that it was issued as proof of payment for goods seized by the NDC. (copies of such receipts were provided)On a recent visit to Parika, Kaieteur News arrived in time to witness altercations between the vendors and a young man said to be the nephew of the NDC Chairman,Gary Cahill Jersey, who was at that time detailed to seize items. A verbal battle ensued, followed by a tug-o-war as the vendors strove to protect their items. This promoted the young man to become verbally abusive to the vendors. As the vendors attempted to point out the need to operate in an area that will garner much needed sales, the man erupted in anger and shouted,Francis Coquelin Jersey, “Well if alyuh get three million dallah, alyuh gon get a spot ah de front ah the market”.At one point the man engaged the services of a police woman to remove one vendor who stood her ground in defiance,Blank Netherland Jersey, and even the officers seemed ‘fed up with the turn of events’ and left the scene after telling the vendor to ensure she does not obstruct the traffic as she sold her vegetables and confectionary.The vendors indicated that on many occasions they begged to be located at a strip of land just alongside the Parika Mini-Bus Park which is the busiest area, but this was refused by the Chairman. The vendors pointed out that they depend on the sales from persons traversing the Parika mini-bus park, stelling and roadside,Pedro Chirivella Jersey, and as such were crippled when they were placed at a location far behind the market where almost no one visited.All around, the mini-bus operators were shaking their heads in dismay and lamenting the fact that while the vendors were harassed daily, no proper alternative was being put in place for them.A walk along the public road revealed vendors stashed into small crevices and alleys, desperately attempting to sell in a bid to survive. They seemed always on the lookout for the ‘NDC attackers’ as the vendors called them and were always poised for flight if they appeared.vendors play their trade in front of the Parika Health CenterVendors argued against the Chairman’s view that some of them have stalls in the market and are refusing to sell there. While he noted that they seemed bent on ‘selling wherever they pleased’, the vendors argued that the market leaks terribly in the rainy weather and is always flooded during heavy downpours.Just recently in a desperate bid to resolve the daily tangles with vendors, the NDC moved them into the market and gave them each a four feet space to operate. The vendors protested this move since they claimed the spot could hardly house their ‘greens tables’ and it was situated just in front of several clothes stalls where people trekked to purchase clothing and seemed quite surprised that the vendors were operating there. With no sales gained there, they were soon back on the road, braving the odds in their need to survive.At first the vendors were operating on a strip of land in front of the Parika Health Center, which was recently fenced in by the Chairman who it is said ordered that they be removed. However, during a recent visit to the area,Mikel Merino Dortmund Jersey, this