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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-3 01:07  資料 私人訊息 
Eric Dier Hotspur Jersey UK English
– Region 8 education committee memberFollowing weeks of tension in the hinterland village of Princeville, members of the Region Eight Education Committee are calling for reformations to the education system in the Region.This is according to Committee member Wayne Robinson, who said that these reformations should include improved facilities, increased number of teachers and better services provided to teaching staff.In correspondence with this newspaper,Wholesale Jerseys, Robinson accused Regional Executive Officer (REO) Ronald Harsawack of a number of shortcomings and said the Regional Administration had failed to effectively handle the Region’s issues.Robinson claimed the REO had failed to attend the last six meetings of the education committee. Several matters of concern, he said, were tabled. However, these matters “fell on deaf ears”.Robinson identified the shortage of teachers in the Region as a major concern and said the shortage was largely due to the “inhumane treatment” meted out to the teachers in the Region.Most recently,Authentic Jerseys Sale, protest action was launched by parents and students of the Princeville community after frustrations reached new levels over the school’s lack of teachers. The school is currently being run by one teacher who is forced to oversee about eight classes.REO Harsawack had previously said the administration had requested lists of names by the community’s council and residents on possible teaching candidates. Harsawack had said that to date no names had been presented.However, Robinson said that it is not the duty of members of the community to appoint teachers to schools in the Region.Robinson maintained that the Village’s locations had nothing to do with the unavailability of teachers. He further maintained that the blame lay at the feet of the administration.Robinson said, “Inhumane treatment has been meted out to the teachers in the Region and this situation has forced several trained teachers who left the coastland to teach in the interior to return to their region…Harsawack’s claim that the Region’s location provided a difficulty in attracting teachers, this is far from the truth as several trained teachers came to this Region and worked but left as a result of the rough treatment meted out to them by the Regional Administration.”Robinson said the “inhumane treatment” includes the late and non-payment of travelling expenses, the poor furnishing of apartments given to teachers and the high expenses which must be incurred by teachers who have to purchase expensive water when there is none made available to them.“Just imagine the lone teacher at Princeville Primary school Mr. [Sherlock] Ruffeno has been denied his reimbursement for travelling for the past three years. Mr. Ruffeno has to travel twice per month to the Regional Administration to submit monthly reports and uplift his salary at a cost of $20,000 per month and though he has been making his claims, it is to no avail.”Robinson said the Princeville Primary School is not the only education institution in the Region that is understaffed. He identified the Mahdia Primary School as being understaffed,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, along with others.“There are several other schools in this Region with only one teacher,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/AC-Milan-FC/,” Robinson said. “Presently,Wholesale Jerseys China, the school at Muruwa has been closed for the past three weeks. I am now calling on the REO and the Ministry of Education to tell the public why the children at Muruwa have been deprived of education. Are you going to blame the Regional Education Committee for this situation now?” he questioned.Robinson added that the Mahdia Secondary School was in need of more trained teachers.“At present there is no trained teacher to teach Math, English, Science and Social studies. Presently, there are only four trained teachers and three untrained teachers functioning at the Mahdia Secondary School,” Robinson said.Robinson also said the education committee was worried about the security of the children at the Mahdia Secondary School dormitory. According to him, two female students escaped from the dormitory during the night and “slept out”.“This situation has forced parents from Micobie to remove their children from the dormitory at Mahdia and the Micobie village council to purchase a minibus which is now used to transport the schoolchildren from Micobie to Mahdia,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” he said. He added that the trip between the two Villages was about 25 miles.Robinson opined that the situation at the Mahdia Secondary School highlighted the need for Schools’ Welfare Officers in the Region.Accordi