標題: Ryan Fulton Liverpool Jersey Omadatt Samaroo
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 20:06  資料 私人訊息 
Ryan Fulton Liverpool Jersey Omadatt Samaroo
The Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI) donated several trophies and prizes to top students of the Cotton Tree Primary School,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, West Coast Berbice on Friday.? The occasion was the school’s Annual Graduation and Prize- giving exercise.Bibi Zorena Sadiq,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Head Teacher (ag) of the Cotton Tree Primary School, had requested a donation of a trophy or a prize for its Annual Prize Giving Ceremony on July 3, 2013.From right Mrs. Bibi F. Alli Administrative Assistant, the top five students displaying their trophies presented by the Berbice Bridge Company Inc.. At left, Ms. Bibi Z. Sadiq head teacher of Cotton Tree Primary School.The students who received the trophies were Tanuga Singh; Vedwattie Ramdeo; Reshmi Samlall; Nesha Ramedhin; and Alesha AlliChildren of employees working with the Bridge Company, who wrote the National Grade Six Assessment 2013,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, were also awarded. There was a trophy for Alisha Ally for obtaining the highest marks for the National Grade Six Assessment 2013.The Company stated that it will continue to donate and sponsor other events that would benefit the School and the students.The BBCI has supported Ministry of Education extensively over the years by donating trophies to a number of schools and Technical Institutions,Cheap Jerseys Online, waiving toll charges for school tour buses transiting the Bridge and sponsored various school activities.On Friday, too,Bobby Orr Jersey, the company made similar donations to the Latchmansingh Primary School as well as the Blairmont Primary School, also in Region Five.Chief Executive Officer of the BBCI, Omadatt Samaroo, told Kaieteur News that the company not only plays the role of collecting tolls and facilitating vehicles crossing the Berbice River Bridge and vessels transiting through the Retractor span and under the High Span “but also,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, discharges its corporate responsibilities. More importantly it plays an integral part in the development of education and sports; it facilitates national events and makes donations to charitable organizations in close proximity to the Bridge”