標題: Alphonse Areola Jersey East Bank Demerara
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-2 16:02  資料 私人訊息 
Alphonse Areola Jersey East Bank Demerara
… feared driver wanted to abduct herSeventeen-year-old Shovone Rampersaud,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, of 152 Lodge Housing Scheme, reportedly jumped out of a moving taxi which she described as a yellow wagon, HB 2675, after she suspected that the driver was attempting to abduct her. The teen suffered injuries to her head, face,Cheap NFL Jerseys, shoulders and feet.Reports are that Rampersaud received a telephone call from one of her female friends who lives at Houston, East Bank Demerara,NFL Jerseys Outlet, early yesterday, asking that Rampersaud go to her residence to braid her hair.According to Rampersaud, she went to braid her friend’s hair but ended up in what she described as a tragedy on her way back home.“I was on the road very long and wasn’t getting a bus, as there was the issue with the fares. So I decided to flag a taxi down,” said the injured teen. She added that a yellow Toyota Raum stopped and without hesitation she jumped into the car, because she was waiting for hours and moreover, the car was painted in the familiar yellow colour that taxis have. It was also a hire car,Wholesale Jerseys, according to the licence number.”Rampersaud recounted that on her way to Georgetown, the taxi driver, clad in a blue jersey, jeans and a camouflage hat kept repeatedly seeking personal information from her and was making subtle advances. However she refused to answer him.“He was telling me I am pretty and I look like I can be a good housewife,Nike NFL Jerseys China, and he want my number.”The teen also said that the driver claimed that he was not from Guyana but from England and that he doesn’t know the city well, thus she would have to direct him to where she was to be dropped off.The teenager said that she was directing him throughout the journey but when she was close to home he suddenly began to ignore her, pretending that he wasn’t hearing, and refusing to stop, although she was shouting at the top of her voice for him to stop.Rampersaud said she got scared as the man began to drive a little faster and when she realised how far she had passed her residence, she opened the car door and jumped out.“I jump out of the car and I run into some people yard and he keep running behind me telling me I will put him in trouble, but I keep running. Then he go away,” the teenager said.Her mother,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Marcelle Burke, told this publication that after she made contact with her daughter and learnt of the incident, she subsequently went with her to the East La Penitence Police Station to make a report. She said that upon their arrival her daughter saw the driver of the car heading out of the station.The woman added that the police told her that the man had just made a report that the girl is suicidal because she just jumped out of his car. However the police also took the girl’s report and sent her to the hospital to get a medical.Burke said that she would like the incident to be investigated thoroughly, adding that no one would jump out of a moving vehicle if not in some kind of danger.