標題: Nathaniel Clyne Jersey Hardat Hardil
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 14:42  資料 私人訊息 
Nathaniel Clyne Jersey Hardat Hardil
Villagers showed their community spirit when the pooled their meager resources to help a family whose lives were devastated when fire destroyed their home.Over the past two weeks, villagers of Windsor Forest/La Jalousie on the West Coast Demerara donated what little money they could, to help Soobas Ramgobin and his family,David de Gea Manchester United Jersey, rebuild their Lot 1 East-half La Jalousie (Pakistan) home, which was destroyed by fire on March 7, 2009.After the fire struck, members of the Windsor Forest community, and the surrounding villages, went about asking for donations and managed to raise $195, 000 for the beleaguered family.The overseer of the La Jalousie/Nouvelle Flanders Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Hardat Hardil, explained that the villagers had all come together to help in whatever way they could.While most of the residents contributed money, ranging from $100 to $1000, other residents lent their hands in the actual reconstruction of the house.“Soobas Ramgobin is a poor man,” said Hardil, “and he had six children. So we decided to help him rebuild his house.”When Kaieteur News visited the construction site yesterday, Ramgobin and his son,Sadio Mane Liverpool Jersey, along with other family members and volunteers were seen working on the house,Rodolfo Pizarro Mexico Jersey, putting up the posts for the walls.Residents said that they suspect that the fire,Son Heung-min Jersey UK, which consumed the house, was electrical in origin.Similarly, Danraji Hemraj, who is affiliated with the Windsor Forest Arya Samaj, said that the residents of the area had seen the reconstruction efforts as noble, and had decided to contribute towards it.“This is a worthy cause,” she said, “these people lost everything in the fire.”Since the fire, Ramgobin and his family have been staying with relatives in Cornelia Ida,Shinji Kagawa Dortmund Shirts, West Coast Demerara.Yesterday, the cash raised was handed over to Ramgobin and his wife, Gourie Singh.While persons have ceased going around the village asking for donations,Karim Rekik Jersey, the villagers said that they will continue to contribute what they can, when they can.Almost in tears when she received the money, Singh said that she was extremely thankful for all the assistance her family was receiving from her neighbours and fellow villagers.It is unclear when the construction of the house will be completed but the Ramgobin family said that they would remain hopeful that everything would work out.