標題: Neymar JR Jersey left
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-1 18:30  資料 私人訊息 
Neymar JR Jersey left
Vineeta Persaud is this year’s proud recipient of the Shivraj Maraj Memorial Award for beingYashwantie Doobay, Operations Manager of Vishnu Panday and Associates Inc (left) presents the award to Vineeta Persaudthe best graduating Computer Science student 2011 of the University of Guyana (UG). Persaud who obtained a 4.0 Grade Point Average is now among an elite group to gain this accolade dating back to 2004.At the award ceremony held at the Education Lecture Theatre,Walace Brazil Jersey, UG, Turkeyen, yesterday, she expressed gratitude to the sponsor of the award,Eriq Zavaleta Toronto Jersey, Vishnu Panday and Associates Inc.Persaud added that such an award provides incentives for students to strive for excellence.For her final year project,Mario Gotze Jersey, Persaud developed learning-friendly software, MyWebPLE.“The software was developed as a medium to allow users to actively contribute to their learning environment,Custom Netherlands Jersey, instead of passively accepting expert-provided information. This allows the information to be easily accessed and searched. The users will be able to contribute, collaborate and communicate with experts and fellow learners,” she stated.Persaud attributed her success to her lecturers and family, especially her mother, Rita Persaud who is a Computer Science lecturer at UG. She related that her mother’s passion for the field inspired her love for coding and programming.According to Yashwantie Doobay, Operations Manager of Vishnu Panday and Associates Inc, software applications prepared as final year projects by Persaud and other students were impressive and will foster changes in Guyana.In addition to this award,Blank Germany Jersey, the company provides hardware support to the University and has embarked on a tree-planting project on campus.UG’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Marlene Cox thanked the company for recognising the academic expertise of the best graduating Computer Science student. She noted that the entity has been with the University for years helping in various areas.Dr. Cox emphasised that technology, particularly the computer,Jeremain Lens Jersey, is essential to everyday life. She asserted that one of the good things about Computer Science is that it equips students with certain skills to be self employed.She added that with the changing course of Guyana’s economy to embrace the Low Carbon Development Strategy expertise of persons in the Information and Technology field will be utilised.