標題: Jeremain Lens Netherlands Jersey F
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-1 12:33  資料 私人訊息 
Jeremain Lens Netherlands Jersey F
There has been a slight decrease in criminal activities for this year compared with the corresponding time last year, according to Assistant Commissioner Law Enforcement (Crime Chief) Seelall Persaud.This disclosure was made yesterday at the Guyana Police Force’s annual Christmas forum at the Officer’s Mess Hall.Last year,Marc-Andre Ter Stegen Jersey, the Force recorded 12 execution-style murders, but this year it has decreased to five. Murders which resulted from robberies so far this year has also decreased with the Force recording 26 last year compared with 19 this year. Domesticated murders were recorded at 23 for 2010, and 24 for 2011.Crime Chief Seelall PersaudDisorderly murders had the highest numbers. Last year the Force recorded 48 such murders,David De Gea Manchester Jersey, while this year, 47 murders were recorded under this bracket. There were no “unknown murders” for this year compared to a single one that was reported last year.“A” Division (Georgetown) had the highest per division murder rate for the country, with a total of 31 murders for this year. This is followed by the E&F (Linden and Interior) Division,Luciano Narsingh Jersey, which had 24 murders, “C” Division had 17,Aaron Ramsey Jersey, “B” recorded 15 murders, “D” had 10 murders and lastly “G” Division had three.The Crime Chief further stated that there was a decrease in robberies for this year in comparison with last year. Statistics show that there were 1095 robberies in 2010, whereas this year, the Force has recorded 1068.“Total Serious Crimes” saw a decrease. In 2010 there was 3455 and in 2011 the Force recorded 3275.The Assistant Commissioner sought to give a breakdown of the serious crimes into the various Divisions. “A” Division had 54 percent, “B” Division 18 percent, “D” Division 7 percent, E&F Division 7 percent and “G” Division had four percent. Persaud further disclosed that total murders have decreased,Javier Guemez Jersey, with 2010 recording 140,Alan Pulido Mexico Jersey, and 2011 recording 119.Illegal firearms seized saw an increase over last year’s and Persaud said that this could be credited to superb intelligence work. Last year, the Force recovered 109 illegal firearms, while in 2011 they recovered 114. Some 39 pistols were recovered.He said that a total of 31 revolvers, 23 shotguns, six rifles and one SMG were all recovered by the police.According to Persaud, in the fight against illegal drug trafficking, there was a significant increase in the seizure of crystal cocaine in 2011, although seizures at the airport had declined.There were no heroine or ecstasy seizures for 2011.