標題: Pedro Chirivella Liverpool Jersey on July 31 last
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-1 04:39  資料 私人訊息 
Pedro Chirivella Liverpool Jersey on July 31 last
Digicel has complied,Javier Guemez Jersey, GT&T still to do so – Dr. LuncheonGuyana’s ability to listen in on telephone calls is stalled as one of the companies is still to install the relevant equipment.According to government’s spokesman, Dr Roger Luncheon,Thiago Silva Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, while Digicel has completed installation, the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) is yet to do this.Luncheon, during yesterday’s weekly press briefings, explained that although the wiretapping law has been passed, that fact that one company is still to install the equipment has stalled the process.He denied a report carried in the Monday edition of Kaieteur News which said that it was reliably informed that GT&T has the technology in place. The Cabinet Secretary was unaware of this and expressed surprise that GT&T or anyone could have claimed that. Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee,Alexis Sanchez Arsenal Jersey, on July 31 last, signed the order bringing into force the Interception of Communications Act, commonly called the wiretapping law, as of August 31 last.The cost of the wiretapping equipment is reportedly in the vicinity of US$1M. The fact that the companies (GT&T and Digicel) have to foot the bill to ensure compliance with the Interception of Communication Act,Jonas Brazil Jersey, had prompted Opposition Leader Robert Corbin to urge the companies to take legal action against the government.Under the new law, the Commissioner of Police,Wesley Sneijder Jersey, the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, and the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority have the power to apply to a judge to direct the technical officers at the telecommunication companies, namely GT&T and Digicel, to intercept the communication of a person/s without his/her/their knowledge.In an emergency and in instances deemed a matter of national security,Toni Kroos Germany Jersey, the authorities can move to have a warrant sought for by the Minister of Home Affairs, after which he will have 72 hours to present the application.There is also a clause in the legislation that allows for a designated officer to order a wiretap in instances where it is impracticable to reach a judge but is deemed an emergency.According to Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, who piloted the legislation, crime has evolved in sync with technology, and as such there is need to have the tools in place for the law enforcement agencies to be in a position to maintain the pace with which the technology is being used in criminal activities.