標題: Steven Berghuis Netherlands Jersey 00hrs
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 16:54  資料 私人訊息 
Steven Berghuis Netherlands Jersey 00hrs
Twenty-two-year-old Treon Harris of Paradise Housing Scheme is lucky to be alive after hours of being held captive in the trunk of his car which was allegedly hijacked by three men.Kaieteur News understands that on Tuesday just after 13:00hrs,Juan Mata Jersey, Harris was making his way out of the Paradise Housing Scheme en route to Enmore Village when he stopped to give three men who were heading in the same direction a ‘drop’.According to reports,Jozy Altidore Toronto Shirts, upon entering the car one of the men whipped out a gun and ordered Harris to drive to Ann’s Grove.When they arrived at the East Coast Demerara village,Antonio Valencia Jersey, he was then instructed to reverse into the bus-shed street which he did. The men then proceeded to secure their victim with duct tape before placing him into his car trunk.After hours of trying to contact the young man via cellphone calls,Richard Wright Manchester City Jersey, his worried family began a search for him since they found it strange for him not to answer calls for so long.The man’s father related to a Kaieteur News reporter,Leroy Sane Jersey, “After we calling him and he ain’t answering,Marco Fabian Jersey, I said this thing aint looking nice. So about eleven o’clock we start looking for him”.The older Harris said that he had given the description of his son’s car to a taxi driver who was assisting in the search for his son. After some time, he received a call from the taxi man who then informed him that he had spotted his son’s car in a dark spot in the Enmore Estate road.Immediately he rushed to the spot where he saw the car, but acting with wisdom he decided to pass the vehicle and to seek police help.The father then returned to the scene moments before the police. When they reached the vehicle they heard a noise in the trunk of the car and Treon was found gagged and battered. The men were nowhere in sight.The injured young man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was treated and subsequently sent home. Investigations are continuing.