標題: Sergio Aguero Argentina Jersey PPP/C
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 16:52  資料 私人訊息 
Sergio Aguero Argentina Jersey PPP/C
– state going after additional outstanding vehiclesAs police investigations continue into the allegedly illegal transfer of state-owned vehicles from the PublicFormer Public Service Minister Dr. Jennifer WestfordService Ministry, eight of which have been returned to the Ministry of the Presidency, Minister of the Presidency Joseph Harmon revealed that on May 7,Wilfried Bony Manchester City Jersey,? as many as 28 vehicles were transferred, all within one day.Harmon also made it clear that the government would be coming after anyone else with state vehicles transferred illegally.The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) yesterday made it clear that wherever the investigation went against former PPP/C MP Dr. Jennifer Westford and PPP/C candidate Hydar Ally, as well as the other accused co- conspirators, the law must take its course.According to Harmon, at a post cabinet briefing, yesterday at the Ministry of the Presidency, between June 19 and June 20, five vehicles were returned, “all except one driving in on their own steam”. Three vehicles were returned before June 19.The vehicles were reportedly transferred in the waning days of the previous administration at the behest of former Public Service Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford, to several individuals.Minister Harmon, who is also Head of the Presidential Secretariat, opined that the persons who returned the vehicles probably took the opportunity to take advantage of the limited amnesty offered by government, to have persons return state assets before they are prosecuted. “I don’t want to come after you because I want to look forward.”Former PPP/C Chief Whip Gail Teixeira“I believe some persons took that very seriously and decided to bring them in”. An audit, one of several being undertaken to account for state assets,Fernando Manchester City Jersey, revealed that vehicles had been transferred, just prior to or after, the May 11, 2015 General Elections.He said that offers to assist in this effort have even been received from persons residing overseas. “Who know where things are. In fact every morning you (are) getting reports about two vehicles gone somewhere, they take off the number plate and somebody throw canvas over it, but we will get to all of them.”A State Asset Recovery Programme has been set up to ensure the return of state assets, wherever they may be located. The unit is headed by Professor Clive Thomas. People who will function in that unit have already been identified.The State Asset Recovery Unit will examine all of the cases and decide on how it will proceed. “That is why I said to all persons who have government assets to bring them in.”He said that government is interested in looking forward to the future. It is not interested in looking back,Brazil Jersey, “I don’t have time for looking back, so help me, help this government in looking forward by bringing in the assets, because we’ll have to send people behind you, if you don’t!”And the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) yesterday said that where there is a determination of wrongdoing against former PPP/C Members of Parliament the law must run its course.Former Presidential Advisor and Chief Whip of the PPP/C Gail Teixeira, at a press conference at Freedom House,Jetro Willems Netherland Jersey, yesterday, expressed surprise that anyone could be in doubt of the sincerity of the party’s desire to see judgment deferred, with either good or bad outcome,Leroy Sane Jersey, against one of their own.“We have always agreed and stood by the implementation of the law. If the Commissioner of Police feels a certain way in his own judgment, then the law takes its course. What would you have us do,Efrain Velarde Mexico Jersey, since it seems to be a surprise that the PPP/C wants the law to take its course?” she queried.“Can we go to the Police Commissioner and say, don’t you dare do that? If the law is upheld and it is found that any of the individuals (involved in the vehicle controversy) has committed an offence, then the law must take its course.”