標題: Chelsea Jersey Suresh Hardowar
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 07:45  資料 私人訊息 
Chelsea Jersey Suresh Hardowar
– slain Estate Manager’s wife declines to identify suspects The five men charged with the kidnapping of a Mahaicony rice farmer and his pump attendant made another court appearance yesterday.This time the quintet appeared before Magistrate Haymant Ramdhani at the Mahaicony Magistrate’s Court to answer additional charges.All five, 49-year-old Rajah Persaud called ‘One Hand’, Denwick Booker also known as Gary Booker,Marc Bartra Dortmund Shirts, 29; Michael Payne called Michael Henry,Kyle Walker Jersey UK, 35; Suresh Hardowar, called ‘Boyo’, 23,Thomas Vermaelen Jersey, and Dwayne Johnson also known as Dwayne King, 18, all of Haslington on the East Coast of Demerara, were charged with robbery under arms.They are accused of robbing Parasram Ramnarace of $20,000 cash, a cellular phone and jewellery, in the backlands of the Mahaicony/Abary area on September 9.Persaud was slapped with two additional charges, possession of ammunition and possession of a firearm.The weapon was confirmed as the one stolen from Estate Manager, Muneshwar Paragass,Wesley Sneijder Netherlands Jersey, who was shot dead at his home in January 2008.The men had appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court on Friday and were remanded on the kidnapping charge.Police had hoped to institute murder charges against one of the accused,Tyler Blackett Manchester United Jersey, but this was stymied by the non-identification of the suspects.Kaieteur News understands that the Estate Manager’s wife who was at an identification parade declined to identify the suspects, claiming that she was fearful for her life.The woman was tied by her husband’s killers during the mid-afternoon attack.A senior police officer expressed disappointment at the development, since he strongly believes that at least one of the men was involved in Paragass’ murder.Yesterday, a large crowd gathered outside the Mahaicony Magistrate’s Court to get a glimpse of the men.Many expressed the desire to see the men experience the full force of the law.“I hope they ain’t got no cooking up in this story,Matteo Darmian Jersey,” one onlooker remarked.Others claimed that the men were “brave to come from so far to kidnap Mahaicony people.”The five accused were remanded to prison and will make their next court appearance on October 26.