標題: Jason Denayer Jersey practices and procedures
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 03:35  資料 私人訊息 
Jason Denayer Jersey practices and procedures
“Talk to people,Alfredo Talavera Mexico Jersey, not at people. And make your contact with them a positive one.”This was the advice from Assistant Commissioner, Brian Joseph, when he addressed 56 new recruits during their passing out parade yesterday at the Felix Austin Police College on Camp Road, Georgetown.The recruits during the parade.He told the ranks to be trustworthy since their character would not develop overnight but will take less than a minute for it to be destroyed.The recruits were told that policing is not just about crime fighting but also about having a human face to problem solving and upholding the law. The ranks paraded before a number of senior officers and their relatives.Initial training commenced on May 6, last and concluded early September.During their four months of training, the new constables were exposed to the basic and essential principles of policing, practices and procedures, foot and arms drills,Alex Sandro Brazil Jersey, physical exercise,Nick Hagglund Jersey, self-defence tactics, firearm training theory and live firing exercises.Kaieteur News understands that during their classroom sessions they were exposed to topics such as Domestic Violence, Human Rights,Maxwell Jersey, Crime, Traffic,Kevin Stewart Liverpool Jersey, Information Technology, Use of Force Continuum to name a few.The ranks were also exposed to live firing at the Timehri Rifle Ranges under the guidance and supervision of experts from the Tactical Service Unit.They visited the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and Mortuary, where they had a first-hand experience of what is to be expected at the Court when giving evidence, and how to identify a victim or someone who would have lost his or her life during a homicide and how the pathologist determines the cause of death.At the end of each lesson ranks were tested and graded based on their performances. The best students and runners up were adjudged based on their overall performances and discipline exhibited during the four months.The parade was dubbed a testimony to the return of old standards and practices of giving credence not only to training but to show an appreciation for the men and women who have withstood the rigors of training and are now equipped with the basic knowledge and skills to go forth and perform with due diligence to boost the noble organization.The parade was held under the theme, “Training to build and strengthen the competencies of ranks,Will Keane Manchester Jersey, through partnerships and monitoring of performances.” The ranks graduated from courses 345 and 346.