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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 02:55  資料 私人訊息 
Kevin Strootman Netherland Jersey Canada
– as plans are streamlined for more procedures in June“This has been an amazing two weeks,” said Dr Debra Isaac yesterday, after she visited with the 13 children who recently underwent crucial heart operations at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).The visiting medical team takes time out for a photo opportunity. Some of the young patients and their parents are seated in the background.Immediately after her visit with her young patients, Dr Isaac rushed off to board a plane to return to her homeland of Canada.Dr Isaac,Jerseys From China, who specialises in Cardiology at the LIBIN Cardiovascular Institute in Alberta, Canada, can easily be labelled the mastermind behind the introduction of paediatric heart surgery here.Through the International Children’s Heart Foundation, also known as the Baby Heart Foundation,Soccer Jerseys From China, Dr Isaac and a team of 19 visiting medical experts facilitated the operations. A total of six of the children attended to were subjected to cardiac catherisation, a procedure used to diagnose and treat some heart conditions.But according to Dr Isaac it wasn’t all smooth sailing at the start of the operations.“There were challenges making sure that X-ray and Lab, and everybody involved, were up to speed. So it was a communication issue really. Part of the problem is that the system is not used to working in this way…” explained Dr Isaac.She pointed out that back in Canada, similar operations are usually done at a very high level and much faster pace, something that is entirely new for the local setting.“GPHC has never seen something like this before and so it is just a matter of making sure that all of the expectations are there,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the people (medical staff) understand what we expect of them and what they can expect from us,” noted Dr Isaac.“We had to learn how to integrate GPHC into the team, but all of those issues we were able to overcome them, and now I know when the next mission occurs on June 20th (2015) I know that we are going to be ready to hit the road running, absolutely,Wholesale Jerseys,” Dr Isaac assured.“We are a strong-minded group and we were able to find some very motivated people in GPHC who really helped us,” stressed Dr Isaac, who is optimistic that on the next occasion some 18 surgeries will be conducted. She anticipates that about a dozen children will be afforded cardiac catherisation too.Dr Isaac has also expressed confidence that all of the glitches seen would be addressed and “I think it’s going to be great next time.”Currently all of the children who were operated on are in a stable condition, according to Dr Isaac, who disclosed that upon her return in June, ahead of the anticipated surgeries, she will schedule dates to examine her young patients. She however,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, noted that before her return follow-up care will be afforded by GPHC’s Head of Paediatrics, Dr Marisa Seepersaud, with the help of a few others.“We want it to be the same level of care we give at home (Canada),” said Dr Isaac as she noted, that she is happy with the level of care already being offered.Even as he lauded the support that the GPHC has received, Chief Executive Officer (CEO),Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Mr Michael Khan, asserted that the contributions of the Baby Heart Foundation team comes at an opportune time to help improve the lives of children who might not have been able to have surgery done in a timely manner.He pointed out that the children who were identified for surgery were previously seen at the hospital’s Paediatric Department and were found to be in need of surgery after each underwent an Echocardiogram.And the CEO is especially appreciative that the group will return soon to conduct more surgical operations.And in order to ensure that future operations are glitch-free, a management meeting yesterday saw efforts being made to address small challenges that were observed at the start of the recent bout of operations. Nevertheless, Khan assured that the process was entirely successful.? “We have been able to save many children because of this collaboration…the people of Guyana should be very proud of what has happened here,” Khan added.