標題: Tim Krul Netherlands Jersey –
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 15:20  資料 私人訊息 
Tim Krul Netherlands Jersey –
– body spotted on rock belowLess than a month after Aliya Bulkan went over the edge of Kaieteur Falls, another body was spotted lying at the bottom of the Falls late Friday.The body, said to be that of a male, is suspected to be that of Rennie Michael Leslie,Rafael Marquez Mexico Jersey, 36, of 328 West Ruimveldt.Relatives confirmed that Leslie,Jean-Christophe Bahebeck Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, a pork-knocker in the Potaro had gone missing from his Camp in the area, since Sunday November 29 last.Friends of the missing man, now suspected dead,? said he was last seen alive on November 29,Alan Pulido Mexico Jersey,? paddling a canoe along the Potaro River with his dog en route to the Camp which was the base of his pork-knocking operations.He is believed to have encountered difficulties about three-quarters of a mile from the edge of the waterfalls.“He couldn’t swim,” a friend said,Thomas Muller Jersey, adding that it is believed that he drowned and his body was swept over the Falls by the force of the current.The porkknocker’s dog however survived and it was the presence of the dog which remained steadfast at a particular spot on the river bank that alerted searchers where Leslie may have gone over.The dog was spotted on Thursday and despite being persuaded to return to Camp, it refused to budge.The searchers took a clue from the strange behaviour of the dog and on peering over the edge they spotted the body lying on the rocks at the bottom of the 741 feet drop.Up to late yesterday afternoon relatives of the dead man living at West Ruimveldt were trying to get assistance from the Army and other authorities to retrieve his body.Ms Carol King, the dead man’s reputed wife flew into the area yesterday.Region Eight Chairman, Senor Bell, confirmed reports of spotting the body. He said that those reports had been relayed to the Regional Administration.The Police at Mahdia were also reported to be investigating the reports.Courtney Terry,Alfredo Talavera Jersey, the dead man’s brother, told Kaieteur News that in addition to this effort to get official assistance, a group of the dead man’s friends had mobilised the necessary equipment to try to get him out on their own.The bulk of this group is expected to fly into the area from Georgetown by noon today to attempt their independent retrieval.This latest fatal incident near the famous waterfalls revived memories of the suicide of 23- year-old Aliya Bulkan who died after plunging from the top of the towering Falls on Saturday November 9,Bruno Zuculini Manchester City Jersey, last.Her body was recovered but only after a hazardous operation by members of the Guyana Defence Force.This operation involved the soldiers traversing huge and slippery rocks and braving treacherous rapids at the bottom of the Falls.