標題: Keisuke Honda Jersey as is being done now
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-30 15:18  資料 私人訊息 
Keisuke Honda Jersey as is being done now
The Story within the Story…? By Leonard Gildarie This week, thousands of students learnt how they fared in National Grade Six Assessment. Back in my day,Leonard Gildariein the ‘80s (yes, I am that old), it was known as Common Entrance.The debate has started, because it is known now that that more than half of the top students came from privately-run schools across the country. The top student himself is from the Success Elementary, a private school located at Eccles.The analysis itself of the results has drawn fire across the board. More so for the fact that there is a new Government in place and searching questions are being asked about its plans.The situation has brought me back to my years in public schools. There were very few private ones back then.I attended Grove Primary, writing Common Entrance in 1985. Back then, there were no carried forward grades or marks, as is being done now,Pele Jersey, to the final assessment. You were expected to prove yourself from the exams.I was very fortunate to be taught by one of the toughest teachers,Fernando Manchester City Jersey, June Appiah, who was the terror of students. The tiniest of the students, I was so fearful of her “wild cane” which was wrapped in black tape,Gregory van der Wiel Jersey, that I made it my duty not to cross her path. I studied and had some sleepless nights.Her class was the one all the parents wanted their kids to be in. I was lucky. When all other students were coming for 09:00hrs, we had to be in class for 07:30hrs.At the drop of hat,Rafinha Brazil Jersey, there were speed tests. You had to know who the Commonwealth Secretary General was and who was heading CARICOM. The First Aid in English had to be your Bible.The “mock” tests were the ultimate adrenalin drive for me. A competitive person by nature, there were a limited number of medals (little pins with coat-of-arms, etc) that were given to students who passed a certain percentage.What is the country’s game plan for education in the next 20 years?Out of the 10 mock tests, I was given one on nine occasions. Those were proud moments. The one time I missed it by a mark, I cried the entire week.I got my sweet revenge the next week when I managed to top the class and was the only student who got one.When the results came out,Brad Jones Liverpool Jersey, it was a day I would never forget. I had managed to top the entire East Bank Demerara. At the time we were on a school tour to the zoo.Looking back, the discipline and high standards set in the public schools back then saw the bar way above what I am seeing now after an across-the-board assessment.It is a harsh indictment and may be unfair to some hardworking teachers and other education officials out there.We can talk for rain or sun, but achieving 19 or 20 grade ones in CSEC at one sitting just cannot be used to judge the entire education system, and for officials to say things are good. Actually, we’re far from that.I believe that 55 percent of private schools taking the top spots is an indictment of the public schools system. There is need for an overhaul. We are tired of the lip service.My two kids are attending Diamond School. We had problems recently after it was noticed that my son’s classes were left unattended on a number of occasions. Books were on the floor and you know what happens when the cat is away.My wife was upset and she raised it.We have teachers being sent on training or UG and there are no replacements.I know the challenges are many. We can’t just build schools and not address the teaching situation. You can’t address the teaching situation if you can’t talk benefits and better working conditions. I guess the same arguments would prevail for our nurses and doctors and police and other professionals.I am more worried about the stats which indicate the hinterland schools in Region One, Seven and Eight, are noticeably falling under the radar.Yes, President Granger,Jason Denayer Manchester City Jersey, I am taking my cap off as a reporter and complaining to you as a parent who remains deeply concerned.Performance in English also remains a major problem. Why are our kids not reading? Are there not enough books? Is the National Library being proactive enough to encourage reading? I am not talking about one day for reading and where the minister is snapped with some kids for a publicity stunt.How about every day being a reading day? How about parents taking a little more i