標題: Asmir Begovic Jersey only 70 cases were recorded
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-30 09:08  資料 私人訊息 
Asmir Begovic Jersey only 70 cases were recorded
The Ministry of Health is expected to spend some $50 million in 2009 on fogging exercises in an effort to reduce the number of dengue cases in the country.So far for this year, a total of $5 million has already been spent. According to Health Minister,Clement Simonin Toronto Shirts, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,Adam Lallana Liverpool Jersey, fogging is now being completed in Georgetown and will soon commence on East Coast Demerara.Minister Ramsammy told Kaieteur News yesterday that the dengue situation in the country is now stable, as only about 10 cases are being reported per week, most of them in Georgetown and Lethem.“Currently we don’t have an exposure,Daley Blind Manchester United Jersey, as the situation seems to have settled,Luke Shaw Manchester Jersey,” the Health Minister said.He added that while the fogging exercises are expensive, the Health Ministry will have to find some way of ‘juggling’ its funds. “The fogging is important… It is not a question about the money… We have to do it, not because mosquitoes bite and we want to get rid of them, but because they also spread diseases like dengue.”For the corresponding period last year, only 70 cases were recorded, but Dr. Ramsammy had noted that testing was not done on a wide scale.Only recently, the Ministry of Health had issued an urgent advisory to residents in Regions Four and Nine where there was an increase in the number of dengue cases in the areas of Georgetown and Lethem,Hatem Ben Arfa Jersey, along with the lower part of the East Coast Demerara.So far, it has been confirmed that one female has died from hemorrhagic dengue, which is the worst form of the infection.Earlier, Minister Ramsammy had stated that one of the challenges the Ministry is faced with is the constant movement of people from neighbouring countries where dengue is present.The dengue that is present in Guyana is usually the mild form, while hemorrhagic dengue is present in other countries. Since that is the case, it will enter Guyana and unless the Ministry deals with the vector issue, there will be a major problem,Hugo Sanchez Mexico Jersey, Minister Ramsammy had stated.