標題: Axel Tuanzebe Jersey accompanied by a nephew
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-30 02:06  資料 私人訊息 
Axel Tuanzebe Jersey accompanied by a nephew
– cops seeking friend, car suspected to have transported killer impoundedBy Michael JordanA nephew of Mrs. Sharanie Doobay has reportedly told detectives that he and another man had visited his aunt on the same day that she was clubbed to death in her home.A police official said that the 38-year-old man has been in custody since Saturday. The case has reportedly taken an unexpected turn, with detectives now focusing on greed as a possible motive.Kaieteur News was told that investigators have also impounded a beige-coloured Toyota AT 192 that is now suspected to have been used to transport the killer or killers to and from the scene. The official said that Crime Scene ranks checked the vehicle for bloodstains yesterday evening.This newspaper understands the detained relative had initially denied that he had entered Mrs. Doobay’s house on the day she was killed. However, he reportedly then revealed that he and a friend had visited Mrs. Doobay around 14:00 hrs on the same day she was killed. He identified the friend by name.This newspaper was told that the nephew said that they drank water and beverages while in the house. Detectives reportedly lifted a partial fingerprint from one of two glasses that were in the kitchen sink.The nephew is said to have told the investigators that his 58-year-old aunt was still alive when he and the friend left.Up to late yesterday evening, police had still not located the friend.According to the official,Cheap Jerseys From China, phone records retrieved from the Doobays’ phone revealed that she had received a call from a friend on the afternoon that she was killed.Mrs. Doobay reportedly told the friend that her nephew and his friend were visiting at the time.The questioning of the nephew—who is not the same one who discovered the body—-is said to have occurred after police received information that suggested that Mrs. Doobay’s murder may have stemmed from a dispute over assets.“We are working on every lead that we get,” the official said.This is the second relative of Ms. Doobay’s who has been detained since the investigation began. A brother of the slain woman was twice taken into custody. A maid was also detained briefly.Police have taken hair samples from the woman’s husband,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, Dr. Ramsundar Doobay,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, but have never detained him. They also checked his car for bloodstains and collected some of his clothing.They also detected what appeared to be traces of blood in two sinks on the premises.Strands of human hair were found in Mrs. Doobay’s right hand.Kaieteur News understands that some of Mrs. Doobay’s relatives have flown in from overseas.The body of 58-year-old Sharanie Doobay was found lying in a pool of blood near the kitchen of the two-storey Echilibar Villas, Campbellville residence last week Tuesday.She had been repeatedly struck in the head with a blunt instrument.Investigators believe that Mrs. Doobay was killed about two and a half hours before she was reportedly found.Reports are that Dr Doobay, accompanied by a nephew,Cheap Jerseys From China, arrived home at around 16:30 hours. He called repeatedly for his wife to open the door but got no answer.He eventually sought assistance from his nephew to remove a few panes from a window on the upper flat,Sale NFL Jerseys, since those in the lower flat were reinforced with metal grills.The nephew then climbed through the window,Nike NFL Jerseys China, and entered the bottom flat, where he made the gruesome discovery.A neighbour who saw them trying to enter the house enquired whether something was wrong. The neighbour said that the nephew who was entering the home through the window simply said that Dr Doobay was there.The neighbour said that Dr Doobay said nothing but a female who was there explained that they were calling the home and were getting no answer.Other persons in the area reported that earlier in the day they heard Mrs. Doobay ‘cussing’ on the phone.Another person said that he saw a silver-coloured car at Doobay’s home around 15:00 hours. This individual begged not to be identified.