標題: Enzo Perez Argentina Jersey PPP
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-29 17:19  資料 私人訊息 
Enzo Perez Argentina Jersey PPP
…This is really disrespectful—TeixeiraThe work of the Office of the Leader of the Political Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, is now not only being stymied by the coalition A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Government but is also being disrespected outright.Chief Whip of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP),Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, Gail Teixeira, made the observation yesterday, as she and other members of her party converged at the Hadfield Office, used by the then leader of the Opposition now President,Wholesale China Jerseys, David Granger, to retrieve assets meant to be turned over to the party.Teixeira and Harry Gill, Gillian Burton-Persaud and Edward Layne, were among those that went to the Hadfield Street Office yesterday to retrieve the property that included office furniture and equipment.The team was however only able to retrieve a few pieces of office furniture, such as desks and chairs.Teixeira told media operatives, that the PPP was informed by the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, that the assets belonging to the Office of the leader of the Opposition as provided by Parliament would be available for pick up.She said the party was looking to have all of the assets transferred to the new Office of the Leader of the Opposition, a building that formerly housed the Suriname Embassy in Guyana. The new office of the leader of the Opposition comes at a cost of $400,NFL Jerseys China Cheap,000 per month rental.The Opposition chief whip subsequently said, “We were told that we could come collect the furniture and equipment that belongs to the Office of the Leader of the Opposition; we were told we could come any time after Tuesday night.”She said that having received this assurance, the party members made their way down to Granger’s Hadfield Street office yesterday, only to be told that some of the equipment,Jerseys NFL China, including a number of computers were still in use and could not be handed over at the time.“We arranged to come (yesterday) for 10:00 hrs; we have arrived and we are only being allowed to take out some things from downstairs that are on the assets list.”According to Teixeira, “We cannot go upstairs where there is a lot of stuff which we saw and tagged since Thursday last week.”Teixeira said she was informed by the coalition that they will inform as to when they can collect the remaining items.“There are a number of pieces of electronic equipment, printers,Wholesale Jerseys From China, computers and laptops obviously seem to be mystic and there are big pieces of furniture up there that were part of the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. They said we can’t have access to it today and they will let us know when they will be available for us to come and collect it,Wholesale Jerseys,” Teixeira told media operatives.She said a large number of items including conference tables among others are yet to be collected also.According to Teixeira, the situation is unacceptable, “but as we are here and we got a vehicle we are moving what they are giving us, allowing us, I shouldn’t say giving us.”The transition yesterday was done in the presence of staffers of the Parliament who were responsible for inventory and other aspects of the move.She lamented having to repeat the process again of having to put the logistics in place to accommodate such a move, including having to pay Information Technology Technicians that have to be compensated, to remove and reinstall the computers and other networking devices.“This is disrespectful. I think it is really disrespectful…The Office of the Leader of the Opposition which is a Constitutional post, constitutionally provided for and the Leader of the Opposition is not being treated with respect by this Government,” said Teixeira.