標題: Richard Wright Manchester City Jersey around 05
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 04:06  資料 私人訊息 
Richard Wright Manchester City Jersey around 05
By Romila BoodramA 40-year-old beautician was among two people killed in separate road accidents early yesterday on the East Coast Demerara (ECD) Public Road. The accidents reportedly occurred between 04:20 and 05:20 hrs.Dead: Lurlene Forde (inset) car she was driving at the time of the accident.Those killed, yesterday, have been identified as 40-year-old Lurlene Forde, a mother of one, of 37 Prince William Street, Plaisance, ECD; and 55-year-old Edmond Smith, a father of 10, of 45 Helena No. 2, Mahaica, ECD.The third unreported fatality was Paul Waterman, a coconut vendor who was involved in an accident on Mandela Avenue two Wednesdays ago. He lost control of his motorcycle,Douglas Santos Jersey, collided with a utility pole, and died at the Georgetown Public Hospital on Wednesday.His daughter, four-year-old Paula Waterman, who was the pillion rider at the time of the accident, died two Fridays ago.According to information, the child’s father had just picked her up from school and was heading to a canteen to purchase food when his motorcycle suffered a ‘blowout.’ This caused the older Waterman to lose control of his vehicle and slam into a utility pole. The child was flung about 10 feet away from the point of impact, while her father collapsed nearby.Meanwhile, the police said that investigations into yesterday morning’s accident revealed that Lurlene Forde was driving a motor vehicle,Mesut Ozil Jersey, allegedly at a fast rate, on the Goedverwagting Railway Embankment Road, when she lost control of the vehicle and collided with a concrete fence around 04:30 hrs.Dead: Edmond SmithThe woman and her vehicle ended up toppling in a nearby trench. She was later pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Kaieteur News understands that the woman was returning home after partying at a popular night spot in Georgetown when the accident occurred.It is believed that the woman swerved from several donkeys that were on the roadway and ended up losing control of her vehicle before she crashed.An individual who lives in the vicinity of where the accident occurred said that he was asleep at the time, but was awakened by a loud impact on the Public Road.“When I went out I see the car overturned in the trench. People run out and went looking for the person in the vehicle, but she was like 15 feet away from the car. When she was pulled from the trench, she had a big gash on her left side head,” the eyewitness recalled.He said that the woman was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.Iona Percival,Marcos Rojo Jersey, the dead woman’s mother, in an interview late yesterday, said that she was asleep when her grandson called from New York and informed her that Forde was involved in a road accident.Forde resided in the bottom flat of her mother’s home and also operated her salon at the location.“I was sleeping and the phone ring, but I didn’t answer,John Terry Chelsea Jersey, because my daughter (Forde)’s customers dem does call early for her to start work at the salon. It was a little after five o’clock,” the woman recalled.She added that she heard the phone ring a number of times, but did not answer because she thoughtPaul Watermanthat Forde’s customers were calling.“I answered the tenth call and it was my grandson from New York and he told me to sit up on the bed and calm down. So I tell him that he should calm down because I am fine. Then he tell me that Lurlene was involved in an accident,” the elderly woman related.She said that she was under the impression that her daughter was involved in a minor accident but while she was getting ready to go to the hospital, two of Forde’s friends visited her home, and it was then that she was informed that her daughter had died.According to Percival,Jose Corona Mexico Jersey, the last time she saw her daughter was some time around 22:00 hrs on Tuesday, when she (Forde) and her son went up to eat dinner.“I does cook for them, so they come upstairs and eat. We went gaffing and laughing and then they went downstairs back,” the elderly woman stated.She explained that Forde was her last surviving child. Twenty-one years ago, her son was killed in a road accident.“I didn’t expect her to die like this too. My son died and now Lurlene died. Now, I only have two grandchildren… her 15-year-old son and my son’s 21-year-old son who is now overseas. When his father died, he was only a couple months old,” the woman said in a quiet tone.INVESTIGATING A THEORYThe police are investigating a theory that the mother of one might have been trailed by