標題: Gregory van der Wiel Jersey with another sister
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Gregory van der Wiel Jersey with another sister
Monalisa Atala, called Monalisa Moore,Luca Antonelli Jersey, a vendor from Phoenix,Maxi Rodriguez Jersey, Leguan has been declared missingMissing: Monalisa Atalaby her family.Her sister,Hendrik Bonmann Dortmund Jersey, Jennifer Jonas, told Kaieteur News that the last time she spoke to her sister was last week Saturday.Jonas said that her sister,Connor Randall Liverpool Jersey, who normally stays in Howes Street, Charlestown, with another sister, called her complaining that she could not get into the house to get her bag, and she was in a hurry because a taxi was waiting for her.? Monalisa Atala Moore was not heard from since.The missing girl’s mother, Ann Jonas, said that it is unlike her daughter to go missing for long periods without informing family members, especially her siblings.“She never had any problems with her; she’s always on Whatsapp, or she always answers her phone”The concerned mother said that Atala Moore sent her a picture of a female,Kaka Jersey, saying that she was in her company.? However,Wilfried Bony Jersey, the individual is unknown to the missing girl’s family.Ann Jonas said that she made a report to a police station and the ranks informed her that they will send a report to all the stations countrywide.The family’s tension is boiling, the woman said, as every attempt to locate Atala has been futile.