標題: Adnan Januzaj Jersey MVL
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 01:49  資料 私人訊息 
Adnan Januzaj Jersey MVL
The tedious task of renewing Motor Vehicle Licences (MVL) has become far simpler and with less hassle for the public.According to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), it is teaming up with three banks countrywide to have vehicle owners pay there. The licences are later posted to the owners.Until this year, the renewal of the licences has proven to be a major headache for GRA’s Licence Revenue Office, which handles the transactions.The Licence Revenue Office at Smyth Street, Georgetown, was the only location being used for issuing MVL.With 90,Javier Mascherano Jersey,000-plus vehicles on GRA’s records and the licences being sold at a specific time,Lazar Markovic Liverpool Jersey, the system had been a vexing one.GRA had announced a new measure in which instead of a particular annual deadline, vehicle owners renew their licences on the anniversary of the vehicles’ original registration dates.The system allows GRA to send out renewal notices to the owners. This measure was designed to reduce the crowds. There had been growing anger over the previous system.According to GRA in a notice yesterday in Kaieteur News,Blaise Matuidi Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, it is now teaming up with Demerara Bank Limited, the Guyana Bank For Trade and Industry Limited and Bank of Baroda, to handle the transactions.GRA said that vehicle owners should detach the Motor Vehicle Licence Renewal Quotation from the renewal notice posted to them and present these to the banks with their payments.The licences will be sent in the post to the owners following the processing.GRA noted,Jay Chapman Toronto Jersey, however,John Terry Chelsea Jersey, that only persons who have received the quotation attached to the renewal notice will be able to process the payments.Last year, GRA was forced to extend the deadline for the purchase of licences because of the crowds at the issuing location. GRA has said that while the new system will allow owners to have a grace period,Toronto FC Shirts, it will soon be sending out a list of defaulters to the police.