標題: Sheyi Ojo Liverpool Jersey Wortmanville
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 19:15  資料 私人訊息 
Sheyi Ojo Liverpool Jersey Wortmanville
Horace Bagot, 22,Mesut Ozil Jersey, of 66 Bent Street, Wortmanville, succumbed to massive head injuries he sustained Saturday night after his motorcycle crashed into a moving car.According to reports, the accident occurred in the vicinity of Friendship, East Bank Demerara around 21:30 hrs Saturday evening.Bagot, a Corporal in the Guyana Defence Force,Rafinha Jersey, was heading up to the Timehri army base where he was stationed when the accident occurred.His sister,Jose De Jesus Corona Jersey, Shondel Price, yesterday told Kaieteur News that her brother had just left his Bent Street home to report for duty at Timehri.Dead: Horace BagotShe added that her other sister who works at the Guyana Revenue Authority, also at Timehri, was heading to work at the time of the accident but was not aware that her own brother was involved.“Meh other sister was going to work and pass this accident and she ain’t know that is Horace crash up,” Price explained.The distraught sister said that after her other sister had reached to work,David Luiz Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, soldiers who knew her enquired if she knew about the accident and her brother’s death.Frantic calls to various police stations and relatives immediately began and their worst fears were confirmed.Price said that she received the call around 01:00 hr from her sister and they immediately traveled to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.Police sources told Kaieteur News that the driver of the motorcar, who is in police custody,Blank Chelsea Jersey, said that Bagot was riding in the wrong lane without any lights on the motorcycle.The source further told this newspaper that the driver said that he tried his best to avoid hitting Bagot.However,Julian Weigl Dortmund Shirts, relatives are peeved at what the driver of the motorcar is claiming. Price said that the driver told police that her brother’s motorcycle did not have any lights.The woman said that this statement is grossly incorrect since Horace’s brother, who is a mechanic, would regularly service the young man’s bike.The woman said that even if the bike did not have lights Horace would not see two bright lights in front of him and drive into them.Horace Bagot was taken to the Providence Police Station by public spirited persons. Police officers then took the injured solider to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where he later succumbed to his injuries.Hospital officials said that Bagot died from massive head injuries and injures about the body. Bagot leaves to mourn eight other siblings and his mother.A post mortem is expected to be done today.